Hello peeps,
There is this certain lady, who lived alone in a very big rented apartment, she is a lawyer, her name is Erica and at a certain point, the owner of the apartment told her that she was going to have a housemate who will share the apartment with her. "Quinn will move in on Friday, so you'll have to be nice" said the owner of the apartment to her and she just smiled and left.
Erica got back from work on Friday, and forgot what she was told that she would be having an housemate. On reaching the house, Erica heard some voices upstairs, so she went to the kitchen, fetched the mop stick and went slowly, thinking it was a thief and went slowly upstairs, when she got there, she saw a nice looking young man standing and she paused and the young man calmed her down when she was about hitting him. "My name is Quinn, I'm your new housemate" said the young man and Erica replied "Quinn??? I thought it was supposed to be a girl". She acted so weird with the young man though. She even kept house rules and set boundaries to everything and never greeted Quinn, or answered his greetings...
She was really crazy and weird though. So, Quinn's friends visited Quinn, and they had a night house party, some of them slept there in the living room and when she woke up and came down stairs to see them, she shouted and called Quinn all sort of names, so Quinn saw that she was jealous of him, so he begged his childhood friend, Becky to come over to his apartment and act like his girlfriend...
This was the most craziest thing that Quinn ever did. He really got Erica jealous though because she really showed up,and had to hire a man to also act like a boyfriend to her, whose name was Hanson.
Unfortunately, Becky and Hanson were engaged and when they saw each other in the apartment, they started blaming each other for telling a lie and cheating. Not until Erica and Quinn told them that none of them was cheating on the other, that it was just a game and they hugged each other and kissed themselves. Hanson took his fiancée home and finally, Erica confessed to Quinn that he loved him and boom!! They both became love birds.😊
I love the ending! lol they absolutely had to confess!!!
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