The Footprint of Rosa ( Eng/ Esp)

in The Ink Well3 years ago (edited)

Fuente/ Source




Rosa was always a woman who moved forward, a fighter, a hard worker. Born in a town where everything was good manners and "what will people say", she grew up in the midst of all this and of nature, raised among cattle ranches, producers of meat, milk and all its derivatives, such as cheese, butter, curds, whey, she learned from a very early age, what hard work was in the early hours of the morning.

It was her turn at 3 o'clock in the morning to get up and get ready to milk the cows. As Rosa grew up, life became more difficult at the age of 8, her mother died and soon her father got another partner to help him manage the home, her siblings and Rosa. Those were difficult times and she, being the oldest, bore the worst part, because this woman was like Snow White's stepmother, perverse.

Her adolescence was spent in the midst of hard work and pure mistreatment, this made her mature quickly, and at the age of 13 she already knew how to manage a home, since she was the one who was practically in charge of everything in her father's house in spite of this woman, who mistreated her like no one else. In view of this, she barely learned to read and write and the basic operations in mathematics, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, with this she defended herself in life.

One night of torrential rain, they were alone because Rosa's father was in the field helping to give birth to a cow, possibly he would not arrive that night. Then this woman looked for a pretext to hit Rosa, but Rosa didn't let her, as best she could she defended herself from this arbitrary woman and went out to the fields in the middle of the night running away from her, never to return...

Rosa first arrived at a friend's house, began to work in the homes of families, then she met a boy and with him she decided to form a family, also forced to do so, because her friend could no longer give her lodging and life for a young woman alone in those times was not easy and in her town this was not a respectable position, without parents, without family, without a husband, so she married and soon the children were born; with time the young man she fell in love with, soon abandoned her with 5 children to support.

Life had not been easy for Rosa, at such a young age it had already left terrible traces..., but she, in spite of everything, was not discouraged, she kept going, fortunately working, she had learned to do it when she was very young, it was worth it to her so many early mornings working; by those days she was already a recognized cook in the town, everyone liked her stews and delicious meals. She raised 5 children, 4 girls and a boy.

Fuente/ Source

She taught them hard work, but honest, she taught them to be persevering, honest, above all, to be loyal to the family, that if they fell down they would clean themselves up and continue, to be independent, above all. At the time, she taught the girls to sew, to cook, like her, to be entrepreneurs in their own businesses, which was saying a lot, since the custom for women in that town was to get married and stay at home.

But her daughters were a little different, they married, yes, but they never stopped working and having their own businesses, independent of their husbands, this helped them a lot, when two of them were widowed and one of them was left alone with her children, they knew how to face life thanks to these teachings, likewise the man, never depended on a boss, since he always had his own business.

All thanks to Rosa's teachings and examples. She had not been a very permissive mother, she was strict, she had to be, being a mom and dad, but she was also loving, she knew what she wanted to leave as a legacy to her children, she wanted them not to go through the work she was forced to go through. His imprint had been so strong for her, filled with so many bad moments, that she wanted something different for her children's lives.

So she took the positive from all that, like taking them to school so that they could learn more than she did, teaching them to work from an early age, to be independent of husbands, bosses, to manage in a world where sometimes there is no mercy for the needy. They went through life, seeing all that their mother did and this made them strong, independent, prudent, hardworking, honest.

Rosa was satisfied, she had arrived at the end of her life, but with a clear and fresh mentality. She was proud of what she had achieved in her family, her sufferings, work and learning had not been in vain, they had borne fruit in her children; now her legacy, her footprint was marking the new generation, her grandchildren. His life was not in vain, his presence would remain in his family for many years to come...

In the middle of her room, her entire family surrounded her, expectant for each of Rosa's breaths, she knew they were her last minutes in this world, but she was not afraid of death, she wanted to rest, because the work was already done. Her children were already adults, she already had enough grandchildren and even a great granddaughter was on the way; it was time to rest, her mark was imprinted in each one of them, parts of her were with them, she knew it, she felt it.

Rosa smiled at them for the last time and closed her eyes little by little, without fear, without haste, with the tranquility of one who had left a good path for all and now it was their turn to follow their paths, but she knew that they would always carry something of her in their lives...


Visiting my beautiful communities, I come across the Weekly Challenge in this community, it caught my attention and here I am sharing it with you. I invite my friends @annafenix, @ismaelgranados and @chacald.dcymt.


Fuente/ Source




Rosa, siempre fue una mujer echada para adelante, luchadora, trabajadora. Nacida en un pueblo donde todo eran las buenas costumbres y el "que dirá la gente", se crio en medio de todo esto y de la naturaleza, criada entre haciendas ganaderas, productoras de carne, leche y todos sus derivados, como los quesos, mantequillas, cuajadas, sueros, aprendió desde muy temprana edad, lo que era el trabajo fuerte a primeras horas de la madrugada.

Pues, le tocaba a las 3 de la mañana, levantarse, alistarse para ir a ordeñar las vacas. A medida que Rosa fue creciendo; la vida se le fue poniendo más difícil a la edad de 8 años, su madre muere y prontamente su padre consigue otra pareja, para que le ayude con el manejo del hogar, sus hermanos y Rosa. Eran tiempos difíciles y ella, por ser la mayor, llevó la peor parte, pues esta mujer era como la madrastra de Blanca Nieves, perversa.

Su adolescencia transcurrió en medio de duros trabajos y puros maltratos, esto la hizo madurar velozmente, ya a los 13 años sabía del manejo de un hogar, pues ella era la que prácticamente, era la que se hacía cargo de todo en casa de su padre a pesar de esta mujer, que lo que hacía era maltratarla como nadie. En vista de esto, a duras penas aprendió a leer y a escribir y las operaciones básicas en matemáticas, sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir, con esto se defendió en la vida.

Una noche de torrencial lluvia, estaban solos pues el padre de Rosa estaba en el campo ayudando a parir una vaca, posiblemente no llegaría esa noche. Entonces esta mujer buscó un pretexto para pegarle a Rosa, pero esta no se dejó, como pudo se defendió de esta arbitraria mujer y salió al campo en medio de la noche huyendo de ella, para más nunca volver...

Rosa primero llegó a casa de una amiga, empezó a trabajar en casas de familias, luego conoció a un chico y con este decidió formar una familia, también orillada a ello, pues ya su amiga no podía darle más alojo y la vida para una mujer joven sola en aquellos tiempos, no era fácil y en su pueblo esa era una posición nada respetable, sin padres, sin familia, sin un marido, así que se casó y pronto nacieron los hijos; con el tiempo aquel joven del cual se enamoró, pronto la abandonó con 5 hijos que mantener.

La vida no le había sido fácil en Rosa, ya a tan pocos años le había dejado terribles huellas..., pero ella, a pesar de todo, no se amilanó, siguió adelante, trabajando afortunadamente, había aprendido a hacerlo de muy joven, de algo le valió tantas madrugadas trabajando; por aquellos días; ya era una reconocida cocinera en el pueblo a todo el mundo le gustaban sus guisos y ricas comidas. Así crio 5 hijos, 4 niñas y un niño.

Les enseño el trabajo duro, pero honrado, les enseño a ser perseverantes, honrados, sobre todo, a ser leales con la familia, a que si se caían se limpiaban y seguían, a ser independientes, sobre todo. Para la época, a las niñas les enseñó a coser, a cocinar, como ella, a ser emprendedoras de sus propios negocios, que ya era decir bastante, pues la costumbre para la mujer en aquel pueblo, era casarse y quedarse en casa.

Pero sus hijas fueron un poco diferentes, se casaron, si, pero nunca dejaron de trabajar y de tener sus negocios propios, independientes de sus maridos, esto las ayudó bastante, cuando dos de ellas enviudaron y una de ellas quedó sola con sus hijos, supieron enfrentar la vida gracias a estas enseñanzas, igualmente el varón, nunca dependió de un jefe, ya que siempre tuvo sus propios negocios.

Todo gracias a las enseñanzas y ejemplos de Rosa. No había sido una madre muy permisiva, fue estricta, tenía que serlo, siendo mamá y papá, le toco, pero también era amorosa, sabía lo que quería dejar como legado a sus hijos, quería que ellos no pasaran el trabajo, que ella se vio obligada a pasar. Su huella había sido tan fuerte para ella, llena de tantos malos momentos, que quería algo diferente para la vida de sus hijos.

Así que tomó lo positivo de todo aquello, como llevarlos a la escuela para que aprendieran más que ella, enseñarles a trabajar desde pequeños, a que fueran independientes de maridos, jefes, a desenvolverse en un mundo donde a veces no hay piedad para el necesitado. Ellos transitaron por su vida, al ver todo lo que hizo su madre y esto les hizo, ser fuertes, independientes, prudentes, trabajadores, honestos.

Rosa estaba satisfecha, había llegado al ocaso de su vida, pero con su mentalidad clara y fresca. Estaba orgullosa por lo que había logrado en su familia, sus sufrimientos, trabajos y aprendizajes no habían sido en vano, habían dado frutos en sus hijos; ahora su legado, su huella iba marcando a la nueva generación, sus nietos. Su vida no fue en vano, su presencia iba a permanecer en su familia por muchos años...

En medio de su habitación, su familia entera la rodeaba, expectantes ante cada respiración de Rosa, ella sabía que eran sus últimos minutos en este mundo, pero no le temía a la muerte, ya quería descansar, pues el trabajo ya estaba hecho. Sus hijos ya eran unos adultos, ya tenía bastantes nietos y hasta una biznieta le venía en camino; ya era hora de descansar, su huella estaba impresa en cada uno de ellos, partes de ella estaba con ellos, ella lo sabía, lo sentía

Rosa les sonrió por última vez y cerro sus ojos poco a poco, sin temor, sin prisas, con la tranquilidad de quien había dejado un buen camino abonado para todos y ahora les tocaba a ellos, seguir sus caminos, pero sabía que siempre llevarían algo de ella en sus vidas...


Visitando mis bellas comunidades, me encuentro con el Desafío Semanal en esta comunidad, me llamó bastante la atención y aquí estoy compartiendo con ustedes. Invito a mis amigos @annafenix, @ismaelgranados y @chacald.dcymt.


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Qué hermoso relato mi brujis, lleno de valores y buen ejemplo para toda mujer que enfrenta cosas similares en la vida. No hay nada más bello que dejar impresa una huella valiosa por donde pasamos y que siga su camino de generación en generación. ¡Amé a Rosa! Así se llamaba mi mamá. ¡¡Felicidades y éxitos con este maravilloso escrito!! Y gracias por la invitación. :)

Así tambien se llamaba mi abuelita, me inspire en parte en ella. Me alegra que te guste mis historia amiga, siempre es un placer compartir con todos ustedes ¡Un abrazo!

Many women like Rosa had raised a generation of children who had become reference points for we'll brought up children.

The iron generation, of that generation was Rosa. Today, there are many women like her, there still are. Greeting

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Que bonito recorrido por la vida de una guerrera. ... muchas gracias por la invitación. Un abrazo 😘

Rosa had taught the children so well and also had taught them Morales which she left as a footprint in their mind. They had to follow their mother's advice and remain honest.

I leave a good mark on your family, permanent Greetings!

This is a moving story, @brujita18. Rosa indeed left footprints, footprints her children and grandchildren could follow. They could follow her legacy of work and family, of taking responsibility.

You allow us to 'see' Rosa, especially in her last moments. It is a moving scene you paint.

Thank you for sharing this story with us and for supporting others with your comments.

For me it is very nice to share and interact with my hivers friends, it's a pleasure!

I felt very bad for Rosa. I felt like Rosa can't catch a break, but I was happy to see that she left beautiful footprints.


Sometimes the life that touches us is hard, but it also has its satisfactions and beautiful issues

That is true, and a good philosophy for finding meaning in life's pain.

That's right...Blessings.

Very few people live long to the point of having loved ones around them when they die. Rosa is a very favored and blessed woman, even her blessing spreads to her generations. a well-rounded story, well done :-)

That's right! Very few people have the blessing of living a full life with their family, despite all the problems there are also joys and satisfactions. That's what life is all about. Greetings!

...but she knew that they would always carry something of her in their lives...

This is Rosa's footprint in her children and grandchildren's lives. Wow, @brujita18, you have regaled your readers with such a moving story filled with life lessons.

Nicely done. I love your story. 🙂 !PIZZA

Thankful for your words, they fill me with joy, greetings and blessings!


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Thank you!!!

Una hermosa historia repleta de muchos lugares comunes y reales. Esto hace que no parezca una historia de ficción, mas bien, muy real y valedera. Siempre destacando con tu inspiración apreciada amiga. Saludos.

Hermoso relato querida @brujita18. La vida de una persona que a pesar de los malos momentos no se dejo abatir y fue un ejemplo de amor y fortaleza para su familia, esas huellas que no se olvidan. Me encanto tu historia.
Un abrazo

Beautiful story dear @brujita18. The life of a person who despite the bad times did not let himself down and was an example of love and strength for his family, those traces that are not forgotten. I loved your story.
A hug

Agradecida contigo por tus palabras, siempre tan certeras amiga @popurri ¡Un abrazo desde la distancia!

Agradecida con tu valiosas palabras y por tu visita. Definitivamente Rosa es el testimonio de muchas mujeres que les ha tocado duro en la vida, pero han salido victoriosas y amadas por sus seres queridos ¡Bendiciones!

I'm glad you liked my story, it was a pleasure to share with you all. Thanks for your support and words Greetings!

Thank you for your words, best regards and good luck!

@brujita18! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ddn688. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.