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RE: Inkwell Creative Nonfiction Prompt: The Gift of Time

in The Ink Well3 months ago (edited)

Motherhood has to be the most unappreciated job. But what can we do right? We give it our best regardless. And even in the end there's your mother holding on to be there for her babies despite being at her lowest. This is one emotional read ma'am, brought tears to my eyes.... Thank you for sharing a part of your life woth us. Somehow I drew strength from this to further aid in my journey as a mom. ❤️💕🌹


Thank you very much for reading, and for that kind comment, @bipolar95. Mothers are not properly appreciated. More than that, they don't love and care to be appreciated. They can't help themselves. Good mothers can never stop loving or caring. Sounds like that's going to be you, also.

I'm very happy you were inspired by my mother's story. She has inspired me all of my life.

True that, mothers do not look to be appreciated because all they do is selfless ❤️. I appreciate your kind words and I hope to also be a great mom 🤗