"When were you going to tell me that Adrian is my son?"
A question Margaret never expected to be asked by the one person she has kept in the dark for so long. It became a battle for her as the words seemed heavy to process and put together to form a sentence. The more she made an attempt to speak, the tighter her chest felt and the more constricted she felt inhaling the air around her. In a short while, everything seemed to be in a swirl as her vision got blurred. The more Margaret tried to open her eyes and shake off the tingling sensation she was feeling, the darker her visions got and while she's aware that her eyes were opened, everything turned pitch black and the next minute, she could feel the full weight of her body collapsing on the floor while hearing James scream her name from a distance.
The whole thing happened so fast and once in a while, it would seem as though Margaret was awake as she could be seen blinking and closing her eyes at intervals while inhaling and exhaling into the oxygen mask on her face.
Suddenly it felt like a dream, Margaret could no longer feel the world around her, or the blaring siren of the ambulance rushing her on top speed to the hospital. While unconscious, she was back in the past where it all began. The waiting area at the prison, there came James in his orange coverall. He was escorted by the prison guard with his hands cuffed in front of him. On sighting James, Margaret quickly stood, heavily inhaling and exhaling once, prepared to drop the bombshell.
"I'm sorry James, but this is where we have to cut ties and part ways. I am young and I need a man with a promising future."
Margaret said these words in the coldest of ways and as James made attempts to hold her hands with both his hands restricted in a cuff, Margaret quickly stood up and continued, this time in rage, contempt and maliciousness. "You have no life to offer me as an Ex-convict. No one would give you a job plus I can't wait 10 years for you to get out. I have my whole life ahead of me and this is where I sever all ties with you." Attempting to take her leave, James wanted to stop her by blocking her exit but he was quickly restricted by the prison guard.
With his face pressed against the table, James screamed for Margaret, pleading like his life depended on it and begging her not to leave him. But Margaret wouldn't yield. She rushed out of the building in tears, but was interrupted by James' father who applauded her for doing the right thing by breaking up with his son.
"I have done my part, now release him and have all charges dropped, James can't have a criminal record". Margaret pleaded ignoring the tears than rolled down her cheek.
"Of course I will clear his name, even though I disowned him for running off with you, he's still my son and the family's heir. With you out of the way, he can finally be with a woman of the same social status and give me descendants of pure blood. Not one contaminated with poverty." Immediately, Margaret was quickly reminded that she was already pregnant for James. Placing both hands on her tummy she quietly spoke to her baby and apologised for bringing it into the world without a father.
Back in the present, Margaret was still unconscious and continued to fight for her life as the medical team struggled to stabilise her. James was in the waiting area worried as hell. Having gone back and forth severally, he took a halt in the middle of the walkway and reflected on all that had transpired. Like a vision, flashes of his past with Margaret started coming in, the love at first sight on the night he rescued her from hoodlums and despite Margaret abandoning him at his lowest, he still could not bring himself to hate her. Infact James felt some guilt ambushing Margaret at the parking lot where she worked and confronting her about their son.
Margaret on her end, continued her journey down memory lane but this time, her past started from 10 years later with a phone call from her landlord telling her that her rent is due and she will be evicted by nightfall.
"Sir, can you please give me till month end to look for your money? My son is seriously ill and his medications are exhausting all my earnings. Please I...."
"Young lady, I am not running a Charity organisation, get me my money by tomorrow or you leave my house and end up in the street with your sick son". The landlord was already tired of Margaret's excuses and ended the call without giving Margaret any more opportunity to keep begging. Not having anyone else to run to, Margaret placed a call to her best friend and pleaded with her to get her an extra shift as a waitress at the restaurant she's working. Luckily for Margaret, the restaurant was catering for a big party the following day and needed extra hands to serve the guests.
Without thinking twice, Margret jumped on the offer hoping to raise enough money for her son's medication and also offset her rent. Little did she know that her life was about to take a U turn.
By the following day, Margret and her friend with other staff of the restaurant arrived early at the party. While those in charge of decorations were doing their set up, Margaret and her teammates were prepping the food area. It was a beautiful outdoor party decorated with both artificial and freshly cut flowers plus ribbons and beautifully coloured clothing wraps for decorations. In no time, the whole place was set as music boomed from the speaker. The Dj sure knows his onion as every song in the mix is a hit.
The restaurant services started with serving of the wine and this was handled by Margaret and her friend. Before they went on to serve, the friend had given Margret a heads up to serve some group of wealthy looking men chit-chatting in the corner. According to her, they are likely to leave a huge tip. Knowing how desperately she needed the money, she quickly went to the men's area with a pretty smile spread across her lips.
"Drinks gentle men?"
"Of course pretty thang, one responded with a smirk".
Everything was going well until one of the men made a move on Margret but was met with heavy resistance.
The whole scene quickly escalated as the embarrassed man poured his drink on Margaret. Looking down on her clothing and trying to wipe off the alcohol, the man got another glass of wine and poured it on Margret's hair. The man didn't stop there, he made an attempt to push Margaret into the pool.
By now, the other guest who seemed amused with Margaret's embarrassment brought out their phones. They all laughed and videoed Margaret at her worst moment.
"Let her go at once!", a familiar voice sounded authoritatively, seizing Margaret from the grip of her abusers. Margaret immediately came to realize whose party it was and became even more embarrassed over her ordeal. Not wanting anymore embarrassment, she wanted to leave, but James instructed the security to not let her leave unless the party was over. As he was about to leave, he paused for a second, turned to the security and instructed them again to send out the people who misbehaved with Margaret.
Coming back to the present, Margaret regained consciousness and the first person she saw seated by her bed was James. Thinking he was fast asleep, she quickly detached all the medical aids on her body and attempted to escape from the hospital without James' knowledge.
"When will you stop thinking about yourself alone?" Another question that took Margaret aback because all what she has done since she met James was for his benefit. She turned to James direction and saw him seated upright stiring deeply into her.
"He doesn't have to know," She said quietly in her head, then continued outwardly "I need to see my child, I need to be sure he's ok".
"You must really think of me as a failure Margaret." James scoffed, stood up and then continued, "you must really think that I can't protect you guys that's why you would strike a deal with my father to leave me.
You did not only leave, but you took my child. 10 solid years Margaret, 10! You kept us apart and you broke our family because it always has to be about you."
It felt like time came to a halt, the silence that followed after James outburst was so mute that both their heartbeat could be heard. So many things went through Margaret's head, she was scared for her child as well as she was scared for herself and James. Immediately, she thought she would have just skipped town the moment she met James at the party. She gave it a hard thought, then out of curiosity, she questioned....
"How long have you known?"
"How long have I known? The party where we met again was held specifically to connect with you after all that years apart.
From the very day you broke it off with me, I knew it was my father behind the scene not you. Heck Margaret! I don't do drugs but somehow, I had drugs in my car and all these allegations. I gave so many excuses not to hate you Margaret."
James quickly wiped off the tear that escaped from his eyes then continued, "you left me and I was miraculously released, then my father reinstated me? Naa all that can't be a coincidence so I started digging and trailing.
I travelled abroad to clean up and be ready for this day. I know everything that there is to know Margaret and No! None of what happened was your decision alone to make."
"James I...."
"Shhhh..." Reaching out to Margaret in an embrace and gently stroking her hair, he whispered softly to her hearing, "I'm not given up on us babe, let me worry about my father."
This story reminded me of the soap operas I used to watch when I was young, where everything was revealed at the last minute and we had to wait for the next episode. Greetings
Thank you 😊
Ah. I didn't read this, I watched it till the end. Things we do for love. Ten years was a lot to carry all that pain and burden. Love still has a chance between those two.
Well done and well written.
Thank you 🥰
Thank you 🙂