Exploring The Fearsome Real Story of A Fearless And Brave boy ............

in The Ink Welllast year (edited)

The real story of a boy whose ordinary life turns into a small fight.

Latif was a talented boy of our village.

My house was not far from his house, it was almost our house in the same street.

I knew him from childhood. He was very distinguished but very brave.

Everyone said that this whole family is very strong.

It was not long since his father's death, this big family in Liaquatabad, four sisters, four brothers and his mother, we knew them all very closely.

Brother was doing good job except his younger sister she was also my friend and classmate Latif was also very serious about his studies and rarely seen at home.




He was rarely seen at home, mostly he stayed in the hostel,he was now doing F.S.C in Sargodha University.

Now he is coming home everyone was very happy the next day Latif brother came back home They held a big feast and the entire village feast was going very well, everything was going on as usual.

The child ran and told Latif brother sitting in the room that some boys in the street,

brother Yusuf, are beating his elder brother and his head is also bleeding.

On hearing this, Latif's blood started boiling and he picked up his pistol and ran outside.


We were sitting in our house praying for them when suddenly we heard the sound of firing.

Hearing the sound, the women of the house also went to the street to check the outside environment.

There was the same noise everywhere.

Latif shot uncle Tawheed's brother in both legs.

Just from that day Latif's life took a new turn He stood there without any fear,

neither ran nor tried to save his life.


A new turn of life on one side career on the other side jail.

After this accident, his future was ruined People started considering him as criminal University dropped out and **Latif **was jailed.

Time passed like this In prison, a person either improves or deteriorates, but when Latif returned home after a five-year sentence, everything had changed for him.


Everyone looked at him suspiciously and instead of Latif, everyone started calling him Tefa Now he had reached a mature age, he was young, about 26 years old,

Now he was not the same as before, his personality had changed into a fearless person who had no fear of anyone.

And he began to be in contact with big people He had a very heavy pistol in his hand, which means, as people called him, he had become like that, no one knew what he was doing.

And one thing everyone liked about Latif was that he did not allow injustice to anyone in the village.

Tell Latif if the boys are gathering at an intersection It was not clear whether he was a criminal or a hero He would never raise his eyes if he passed through the street Musfar and Asad used to support the poor families in the village.

These two cousins

lived in our village. Asad had four brothers with their maternal grandmother.

And Musfar is the only support of his mother, both of them had no father And their age was not too much.

They were eighteen and nineteen years old. Latif loved them immensely.

They had become very close friends while living with him.


These three friends would have looked amazing when they stood together.




Musfar was younger than both of them and always stuck with them.

got closer to Latif's mother used to have a fear about Latif, she used to say that I feel like someone will take Latif away from me.

For a few days we did not see Latif and his friends in the village and then a week later a rumor spread in the village that Latif had married a girl from a Pathan family and had brought her home.



That girl was no less than a hoor, very beautiful, fair complexion, sharp nose, long hair, then it was found that Latif ran away and married this girl.

He had refused the relationship because of the fact that he had forced the girl and was getting married when she loved Latif. At that time,

Hasina called Latif and conveyed her love to him and said,

"Take me away from here."

And Latif married her and brought her home and the girl's family lived in the neighboring village Everyone told him to go away from here, they can harm you,

but he did not listen to anyone and said that when death is coming, then it is coming.

I am not one of those who hide from fear.

Time passed and four months had passed since Latif's marriage.

His life was going on normally.

Allah blessed Latif's wife Hasina with the good news of children.

Latif had gone out. Hasina was eagerly waiting for him at home to tell her that he had come home.

He came home late as usual and when he reached home he saw that Hasina was waiting for him and after dinner she told him that Allah had given her the good news of children.

Hearing this, Latif's feet were not touching the ground,

he was very happy that night And they felt as if their universe was complete Latif was waiting for the morning to come quickly and he distributed sweets in the whole village and made such a plan throughout the night.

But he did not know how the morning sun would be in his favor.

He prepared to go to the fields with his friend Musafar at six in the morning and told Asad to follow them.


The murderous attack on Latif and the last morning of his life.




On that day, Asad has an important work, which is why he says to follow them instead of going with them. It was first' time in the morning.

Everyone was preparing breakfast in their own homes.

that suddenly the sounds of blinding gunshots are heard and the whole village echoes with the sound of gunshots.

Dad runs outside and sees Latif's family, rather the entire village, running towards Latif's fields Some people of the same noise in the whole village opened fire on Latif and Musfar Dad also reached the scene of the incident along with other people and saw that Latif and Musfar were lying on the ground covered in blood and Latif had been hit by twenty-four bullets.




And Musfar is fighting a battle of life and death Latif,

unable to endure so many bullets,

calls this place God Hafiz on the spot And Musfar is transferred to the hospital In the whole village, as if there was a doomsday,

the sounds of crying everywhere,

the noise of the police cars, the non-arrival of the ambulance meant that everyone's eyes were wet everywhere.

The police had taken Mushar and Latif to the hospital for post-mortem And everyone was praying that Musfar's life should be spared and may Allah give him a new life.

This innocent boy had no fault. These cruel people showed no mercy to him.

He was the reason for his mother's life.

But the doom broke when two funerals were taken from the same vehicle.

Asad used to blame himself like a madman and then with some courage he would hug the two crying mothers.

It was as if he was saying that he couldn't protect his friend He could not fulfill his duty of friendship It seemed like everything was over She can never forget the day in her life Two funerals from one car,

both of them were bathed together, they were cremated in one place,

The happiness of this house was seen.

I was standing thinking that people have not lost the fear of Allah, have they become the ones who decide the reward and punishment.

When a Muslim kills another Muslim, his hands do not tremble,

his heart does not tremble My eyes were examining the whole life of Latif from where life had brought him And in their youth,

the two princes saw the grave.

As time passed, Latif's mother took Hasina to an unknown place.

Asad left his grandmother's house and went back to his mother's house.


Who is the real culprit? If we are not criminal, then who?

Musfar's mother still yearns for her son, Latif's mother cries more than Latif remembering Musfar.

She feels guilty If you see, this game that started with a small fight ended by saying that if we people learn to be patient, learn to forgive, then no one will become a joke.

If our society does not look narrowly at a person coming from prison So no errant person should become a professional criminal,



If there is no issue of caste, sons and daughters should not become rebels and should not disgrace the honor of parents,

And those who claim the name of honor and false honors who do not fear Allah should not commit such merciless massacres. Behind us, our society and our country's laws have a big hand, but unfortunately, despite knowing everything, we do not get along.

If we think about it, there is a great lesson for all of us in this story.

We always blame others and consider others as criminals.

But where and how guilty we are, we do not even once look into our necks, this society forces many Latif boys to become criminals.

It forces many daughters to run away, please open your eyes and take account of your sins.

Correct yourself and then talk to others,then talk to others..................................................

Who is Anila Ashraf?

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@anilaashraf has been a teacher by profession. Currently she is devoting her full time to content writer, her aim is to prove herself based on her multiple skills, she likes to write on multiple topics like cooking, nature of beauty, village life, country conditions, culture and photography, chef, calligraphy, crafting, story writer are all her hobbies. She has also done her work on YouTube and will do more inshallah. She wants to convey a good message and share happiness to people through her skills and words. You can present your talent to the world and become an example.

https://youtube.com/@anilaarts?si=aMJoxABdIDj_lQvU .................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................

Allah Hafiz


Lovely and sad story of latif.i have no words to explain about the society behave but we people are society .we not care love feeling if anyone has for anyone then fear greed crime way get open. I think we should think serious about it and we need to teach society.. I will write more about it in my next reply

Thanks for appreciated my work .......

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