in The Ink Well2 months ago


I walked into the luxurious mansion where the party was held. The chandeliers made of crystals, shone so brightly, reflecting any light that rested on it. The atmosphere was festive, alive even, with music beating loudly. I looked around, observing my surroundings as it was what we were trained to do as FBI agents. There was a long queue of line filled with people holding their invitation card in their hands.You had to pass through the security men to get into the party, and the invitation card was a one-way ticket. However, being who we were, we were granted special access so we went straight to the security men, ignoring the line.

"Hey, the line is back here"

I heard them shout as we were given free access into the party

We got this Intel three days ago from an anonymous source about a group of criminals we have been tracking down for months. There were so many unanswered questions concerning this criminal group an how they operate. If our information was right, they would definitely be in this party to steal the Infamous Gold maharaja Necklace, a 1000 carat gold necklace worth over $10 million which was placed in a transparent glass showcase at the center of the hall for auction. If we succeed to stop and catch them, perhaps we'll have some answers.

All the most powerful men and women in the town were present. Each willing to stake whatever amount to have such priceless peice of jewelry in their possession. The party hoster, Mr Rogers, a politician of high influence contacted the FBI for security at the party and that's why we were here. We agreed to be discrete about it, so we came dressed as normal party goers to avoid unnecessary attention. I was wearing a green beaded gown that flowed down my length and screamed of elegance. This party was for the elite and wealthy so we had to dress extravagantly to fit in.

I looked to my right to see Sofia, my colleague dressed in a beautiful red gown with a bit of gold all through the dress. Her dress hugged her body perfectly and accentuated her curves. She looked like she was dressed to kill. Like a temptress.
The Golden mask she wore added to the whole deep sensual look. It was a masquerade party after all. Sofia was our distractions. How role was to mingle with some people and find out anything she could that could help us out. She was a people person and the perfect person for the job. Many men, all dressed in fancy suits flocked around her like sheeps, some shamelessly ogling her. Her beauty was indeed irresistable. But Sofia handled her self perfectly. She was used to such reactions from men. And often hated it when we asked her to use her charms for work related issues.

Vincent on the other hand was dressed in a nice black tuxedo that made him look a rich spoilt brat, far from what he was in real life. Vincent was not one to party and socialize in a public setting. He was more of the Tech guy. A tech guru or maniac, as I loved to call him. He busied himself with the security systems at a small room at the far end of the hall, easily tackling down the security guards seated there, leaving them unconscious but not dead on the floor.

" Alright, I'm in" I heard him say through the telecom we each had in our ears for communication.

The plan was simple, Vincent was to look through the CCTV cameras and observed the party for any unusual activity, while I went for the criminals. Soon the auction began and people began bidding. It started on smoothly at first, soon things became heated as they bid higher and higher, each staking whatever amount they had in their possession.

" Look out I overheard Mr George on the phone, seems like they are going to show up after all.

Before we could make out what was happening the power went off, leaving everyone in total darkness. Suddenly a tear gas was thrown at the middle of the party. People began running and struggling to get out of the hall. In no time the hall was in total chaos. Every one ran around higgledy piggledy. The once peaceful and melodious tone that played all through the night was now replaced by shouts and screams everywhere.

Immediately, I swung into action, quickly turning on my flashlight and pointing it directly towards the transparent glass where the priceless jewellery was placed. As expected, I saw two individuals on all black trying to break into the glass. Fortunately for us, we had prepared ahead and intentionally used an unbreakable glass to encase the jewelry and added a lock for double security. So while they were at it, trying to disassemble the case, I quickly called for back ups and soon enough we had tackled the criminals to the ground, successfully consficating their weapons.

At the end of everything, the place was a total wreck. Everyone had cleared the place running for their own lives. I and my crew got back into our car and headed back to the agency satisfactory. Atlast! we had captured our criminals.


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Sometimes the importance of CCTV cannot be overemphasized. Thanks for sharing.