in The Ink Well2 months ago


I lay on the bare grass, feeling relaxed as the cool breeze from the night air hit my skin. I had just arrived in Asaba a few hours ago and was now in my uncle's house, where he lived with his wife and two children, George and Fredrick. I had received a warm welcome from his family, no doubt. His wife, Miriam, had treated me like her own daughter, showering me with all the care I couldn't be more grateful for that.

So here I was, lying on the grass with my two troublesome cousins in their small garden, a few meters at the back of the house, still within the compound. The compound was indeed large. There was a big swimming pool at the center of the compound, just in front of the house. And far back towards the end of the gate, there was a big tree planted there that gave enough shelter and air to whom ever cared to sit under it. There were also ornamental plants planted beautifully in strategic spots around the compound. Not to mention the lighting, during the night time was spectacular. Especially the ones close to the swimming pool.

I couldn't help but feel at peace as I laid there with my two cousins catching up on old times. This was exactly what I needed. The last two months had been so hectic for me. Juggling and struggling with too many things at once. I could still remember what my father would always tell me.

"Dear Sarah you cannot do everything all by yourself."

And I would always smile and say

"Yes, Dad, I can. I'm good at multitasking. That was what I thought until one fateful day. I had fainted suddenly from work. I woke up feeling a slight headache that morning but ignored it like I always had, hoping it would stop.

I remembered the doctors strict instructions and warnings as I left the hospital three days later with my mum.

"Your body is under a lot of stress; you need a month off from work," he had greatly warned.

My parents, knowing how much of a workaholic of a child I was, planned secretly and made all arrangements to send me off to my uncle in Asaba for a long holiday, and that's how I came here.

Now feeling all this relaxation and stress-free life, I knew it was for my own good. But I couldn't stay here. The musical competition was in two weeks, and I could afford to miss it; else all this stress would have been for nothing. I had been planning and preparing for this for months; I couldn't back down now.

"I won't back down," I repeated to myself with a firm resolve.

I had the perfect plan; there was no way my parent would understand even if I told them my health was already on the line and that was their topmost priority. And I perfectly understood that, but I was determined to win that musical competition. I had come so far back then. The days went by gradually; I spent my time resting and honing my skills, waiting for the perfect time to sneakily leave. I had a few bucks saved up over time for emergencies, and when it was time, I gathered up courage and left for River State, where the competition was.

In no time I had arrived; I found myself in an auditorium. The room was filled with a crowd of people and three intimidating judges.There were eleven contestants. It was an international musical competition, and at the end of the day, only one of us was to go home as the winner with a scholarship to study at any university he or she wanted. I took a steady breath as I watched one by one as my fellow contestants each sang a melodious piece. It was a tough competition indeed. I was the number eight contestant, and it soon came to my turn. I tried taking slow, deep breaths as my name was being called upon. Finally, I said to myself. The audience clapped for me as I walked onto the stage.

Gathering the courage I had, I took up the microphone and then started my melodious piece. Everywhere was so quiet except for the sound of my voice, so loud and strong, singing through the auditorium. I started off soft at first, singing sweetly until I was carried away with the song and sang on, strong and powerful, feeling the emotions in my voice. By the time I finished singing, the whole audience stood up with a powerful ovation for me. I couldn't help the beam that remained plastered on my face.

The last remaining three candidates sang their turns, and soon it was time for the judges to call the winners. A thirty-minute break was given before the chief judge finally mounted the stage.

"Good day, everyone," he began with the usual greetings and formalities.

After that he called the names of all the contestants that participated before he proceeded to declare the winner. The atmosphere became thick with tension as everybody awaited with great anticipation who the winner was going to be. The large auditorium fell silent, and he spoke.

"The winner is ......."

He said, and the whole crowd erupted in cheers. I couldn't believe my ears; I had just won this musical competition. I stood there astonished at what had just happened. My joy knew no bounds that very day.


Your story is very beautiful, sometimes all we need is to win something!

It's really great you won the musical competition 👏 👏. .... but let's not forget what would have happened if you had not taken the short holiday at all 🌚

There is nothing better than achieving our goals and objectives, and receiving recognition from others. Greetings

The joy that comes from winning is too great. I love your story.

Your grit and determination won it all. Not backing out at the very least moment. Great story too.

Winning brings peace, beautiful writeup

What a beautiful story touched me. Best wishes

It's a good thing that you won
Nice read

This always happens to me whereby you have amazing plans for the weekend but it turns out to be the opposite side. It can really be painful

Your determination to carry on helped you to win but, don't always ignore the advice of a medical expert. Congratulations for your victory.

If you were not dedicated, you would not have won the music competition
I love your story

Sometimes all we need is a win but to get a win we must never back down.