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RE: All that glitters...

in The Ink Well6 months ago

That is an ambitious story, one where the ambition is realized through focus and attention to detail.

As I look back at the overall arc of the piece, it's almost as though I'm looking at a bullseye (the kind that might be associated with shooting a gun). Everything you write leads to the one moment, the one crucial event that determines the fate of both Michael and David.

You begin with the intriguing phrase..."This is all you're fault." You circle around the bullseye for the rest of the story until you reach your mark, that final, defining event, the firing of the bullet.

The story is a good example of what one can do in a short story. There has to be focus, and discipline. The story has to be about one thing, although implicit in that one thing is a background of relationships and actions.

It is your fastidious attention to detail gives the story life.

A skillfully executed plan, @samsmith1971. I'm not surprised it stewed for six months. This is not a one-shot (forgive the pun) deal.


watch for all the little details that I can bring to the fore to create more of a sense of presence and immediacy for the reader. When I hit the publish button, it is always with the hope that I have achieved that or as close to that as possible. Sending love. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and leaving such valuable feedback about my process xxThank you so much @agmoore . You always provide such a wonderful perspective. I like to integrate myself into my stories. I sit and play the scenes out in my mind and
