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RE: Taxi conversation

in The Ink Well4 years ago

I can't resist making a comment that may annoy you. This bad day didn't happen to Terry. He made it happen. The events that befell him weren't just bad luck; they were luck he brought upon himself.Hello @hillarypowers,

He overslept. He overslept. He had to rush because he didn't get up on time. Because he rushed, he spilled coffee on his nicely ironed shirt. Then he had really good luck: he caught a cab in two minutes. (I have never waited only two minutes for a cab). But, not satisfied to enjoy his good luck, he insults the taxi driver. Of course the driver was annoying. But really, not that bad. So Terry is ejected from the car.

Another query. The third in a month. One has to wonder why Terry already has two queries.

I did warn you this would annoy you :))

The story was extremely well constructed and believable. Great scene descriptions and good character development. Good job!


Hehe.. The irony here is that I'm not annoyed at all. Instead, I'm excited to see my own story from an entirely different perspective.
Indeed, what we call a bad day, most times, might just be a blowback of our bad choices.

Thank you, @agmoore