A Dual Missed Opportunity

in The Ink Welllast year


[Benjamin Suter

Going downtown to my aunt's place one sweet afternoon, gave me the sweet aroma of the sweetest air ever. I kept on enjoying the natural scenery after receiving a bullish scotch sun.

Her house was not too far from where I lived. Meanwhile, I spread some clothes outside, since it has been a long time since we once experienced a sunny moment.

On getting to her house, she put on her generator just because of my presence. This gave me the impetus to relax to my deepest satisfaction. Anyone can have the mind of remaining indoors, receiving the fresh air coming from the fan. It was not too long before I discovered that the weather had changed. Meanwhile, my Aunt was preparing my kind of rice coupled with fried chicken. Who would leave this enjoyment for what does not favor you? I was so happy going to her place, but my happiness began to wax away after seeing the ruggedness of the sad weather.

My stomach was already empty while my mouth was filled up with the salivating aroma of the food. I was in a state of dilemma trying to decide whether to leave the food and rush home before the rain poured or to wait and eat the delicious food.
I was unable to make her choose the best choice for me, instead, I told her I was going home to pack my clothes just because of the rain. This time, the breeze was heavy and coming with full force. I told my aunt I would be going home to pack my clothes. I would have left the cloth in the rain, but then no one can predict the next day. It's the rainy season and a period when one needs to be careful while washing clothes.

“Aunt, maybe I would be heading home to pack my clothes", I said with a swollen face and a sad look.
“What? You can't go. I'm cooking this food just because of you, and so you must wait until I'm done”, my aunt said.

I agreed with her and was having patience, but it seems my patience was running out of time. Likewise, I gazed at the weather again and this time I could not hold it, instead immediately packed my bag and off I went.

As I was rushing to my abode, the rain started drizzling and came so slowly. After some minutes, I looked straight up and discovered that the sky was becoming clearer. I got a second thought of going back to my aunt's house, just because I couldn't afford to miss the chicken she was frying. “How I wish the food was ready, I would have served it on a plate and brought it home to eat", I said to myself as missing it was like a course being carried over.

Gazing at the weather, it was still cloudy. I began to wait for a motorcycle to take me home. After a few minutes, I saw one, and it was not too long, the rain started dropping heavily. I got home drawn from head to toe. Water was dripping down my clothes. Seeing my already spread clothes made me sober. I would have stayed to enjoy myself to the fullest, but the weather made me lose two things.


Eyah, you would have stayed after all wet clothes can still get dried again now you missed that delicious food.

Wow, losing at both ends. I've had a similar experience and it wasn't funny at all. But experiences like this make us more rational in our decision making subsequently so at least you learnt the value of patience. Nice entry.

How sad. This season is not funny. One moment it is sunny and the other the rain comes knocking.

You were in a dilemma between clothing and enjoying the food. The rain made you have to decide and well that can happen.
Very good story @abigail04, I enjoyed reading it.

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this kind of thing can pain someone , you could have just stayed all the same instead of you and your clothes getting drained , sorry sha