Week of 05/25 - Want us to evaluate your account and give you a price? Post in this thread! 😀

in buytopics5 years ago

Sorry we've been MIA! We were waiting for the price to settle down and it seems to be doing so. We'll start posting our weekly thread.

Let us know below if you are interested in joining the program and we'll let you know how much we are willing to pay this week for a post you might do. Thanks! We were a little bit late only because of the huge price swings in Hive.

Be patient while we look it over and we'll drop a message to you letting you know the price.

Here is more information about what we are doing here.


Gotta automate the system with some AI guys :)
Haha, but a post buying thing is defiantly going to be hard to get in front of the eyes of others, good luck. Have you tried advertising?

AI is a smart idea 😀

Yes, we were thinking about doing such a thing for sure. Good idea.

The biggest problem you have is nobody sees this.

 5 years ago  

Gimme a quote plz!

This would be a great thing to share with the @hivehustlers community!

We could absolutely work on putting this into our ecosystem and helping you grow/build.

Get in touch with me on discord: nulledgh0st#8704