Red Dead Redemption 2 PC

in VIMM.TV - Streaming5 years ago

Category: gaming
Sub-category: Again some red dead redemption 2 actions

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Again some red dead redemption 2 actions.

Arrived in ST. Denis province located on the north side of France to rescue little Jack, son of Abigail. Jack was kidnaped by the Braithwaite family and given to Angelo Bronte. Bronte is located in ST. Denis and at the start I thought he is a cool guy because he returns Jack back without big trouble. The more I hang around him I realize he is just two face monster. The town is full of thieves, so stealing from them should be ok. Also after we rescued Jack I've meet Nikola Tesla, this game really get me going :D

This post was generated from a live stream on


Had some problems streaming on so I switched on :)