
Hi @crimsonclad =) My friend and partner @manncpt advised me to reach out. We are planning with the @hiveembassy to create a participatory witness to help handle some millions new comers on Hive through @pedagogy program as well as by cooperating on standards/regulation with unis and external partners through reflexion groups which will lead @workshops and @hackathons towards the developement of solutions and models we can share with the hivers. Would be awesome to cooperate. All the best, Jean 🍀🌞

Sounds exciting! feel free to message me on peakd or find me on discord and I'd be happy to see where I can help~

Ho Ho Ho! @crimsonclad, one of your Hive friends wishes you a Merry Christmas and asked us to give you a new badge!

The HiveBuzz team wish you a Merry Christmas!
May you have good health, abundance and everlasting joy in your life.

To find out who wanted you to receive this special gift, click here!

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Check out our last posts:

Christmas Challenge - Offer a gift to your friends
HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Sponsor Feedback and Feedback Request
HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Prizes from our sponsors
The Hive Gamification Proposal Renewal


was this a blooper or a command? 😂

