Programming My Own Trading Chart - Part 35 - Long Standing Bug Fixes

in Programming & Dev4 months ago

TradeX-Chart trade markers

It's been a while since the latest update on the chart, but development has been steadily moving forwards behind the scenes. There's been a number of fixes and changes, so here's a few of them.

Trade markers are now stacked on a candle when there happens to to be multiple, rather than collapsed into one. A bug in the trade details dialogue is fixed and now properly closes.


A very long standing bug has been the chart pane sizing when adding three or more off chart indicators, such as RSI. The chart now correctly sizes the new pane and resizes the pre-existing ones. I think I will add in a limiter to the number of panes that can be added dependent upon the size of the chart, just so that chart panes do not being added at unusable sizes. After all there is a limit to the number of meaningful indicators that one can use before it becomes chaos.

The chart is approaching alpha release, a time that always seemed far off in the future.

The chart is available via NPM

npm install tradex-chart

and GitHub