Want to improve? Never stop believing in yourself

in Programming & Dev5 years ago

Picture by Emile Perron from Unsplash.

Was it a poor choice?

I've made a few posts about studying my native language in university and how I came about choosing it. However, I've stated in multiple posts that I also love programming, web design, data science etc. I've thought about my choices lately and feel that while I don't regret doing what I do right now, it should have been the other way around.

There has always been a stigma inside my family that I should do something in my life that makes me money. This thought constantly floats in my head. When I finish my bachelor's degree, I don't expect anyone to offer me a job. Instead, I have to go looking around for one myself, and it might take me quite some time. Computer Science students are being grabbed from their seats on their second year, while I may (or may not) be struggling even after finishing my degree.

Had I tried to first step into Computer Science and then study what my heart desires, I may have winded up with a more solid basis in my life. I chose the other way around, but as the title of this post says: never stop believing in yourself.

I took a stance

During my two years of university (I'm on my last year!), I've peeked into lots of different topics related to CompSci:

  • Python for web scraping and data science;
  • Java for making cool GUI's and games;
  • HTML, CSS and JS to make awesome-looking websites;
  • SQL for databases;
  • Information Security for my safety;
  • Multimedia tools (Inkscape, GIMP, DaVinci Resolve);
  • Operation Systems (Linux, deep dives into Windows);
  • etc.

Whenever I'm not learning stuff related to my degree, i.e. morphological analysis, phonetics, editing, history etc, I'm peeking into a new topic from the list up above. I took a stance to believe in myself and study two things at the same time. While that may not secure me a job in the next year, it certainly helps me out in the future.

I don't like picking favourites

But I am keen on a specific part of the world of computer science - web development! Web dev, today, seems like something that everyone does to some extent, however, very little of them do it well. I have never been the best at anything, but whenever I see design or UX that simply rages me, I feel the need to be a teacher, a better version of myself.

I have always been someone, who loves making other people feel good. Yeah, that sounds wrong... but I sincerely like making people happy, making their life easier and making them feel proud about themselves when they accomplish something. Simple, but quality web design is something that will help me achieve this. At least I have a strong feeling it will.

Do you have a website then?

Yes, yes I do. It's not much, but it's home. I have a list of things I definitely want to do with my website - you can check it out as well:

The problem with my websites has always been that I am too lazy to make the previous project better and instead I start a new one. This time is different, I promise. I want to create something cool-looking, which I can use to represent myself whenever I need to.

This was essentially a post about poor choices

But it shouldn't be! Comment down below, what were your latest choices, which made you feel good about yourself! Anything goes - if you made pasta instead of rice, if you stayed home instead of exercising, etc.


Haha... I think this makes two of us. I am a self-taught developer as well but I am studying medicine at the university. Some think that's a long reach from med school to computer science but I do really love programming. I am in my final year as well and the only regret I have is that I should have started learning to code earlier.

Exactly my point! Well, to be honest, everyone should learn how to code at least to some extent. Some just have fun while doing it! ;) Glad to hear you're finishing med school, at least I have a fellow doctor to turn to with my backaches.

The problem with my websites has always been that I am too lazy to make the previous project better and instead I start a new one.

I feel this, a lot!

I'm going into my 3rd year of uni, and it's interesting to see how your interests have evolved, ever since I got into programming, I don't think anything has ever overtaken it!

Thanks for posting in the programming community!

Finally! I checked out your portfolio site and I've got to say I got inspired myself... I hadn't thought about representing my CV inside of my portfolio. Now I'm thinking of maybe doing the same.

I love the cute animation when you hover over the links in your upper navigation bar, haha. The site itself does have a whole lot of whitespace but I'm sure you'll figure something out soon. :)

Now, Kristjan, make me happy and start posting more! 😈

Well, first I have to find something cool to post about, lol. >:-)

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