We are a few weeks away from defining the presidency for the next four years of Argentina, we see the country immersed in the great political and economic misery that affects more and more Argentines every day, acting like quicksand from which it is impossible get out alive without help.
Among the presidential candidates there was a kind of free-for-all, there was speculation, criticism, accusations, complaints and many other things. After the elections, first and second place were defined, but the two candidates for the presidency will go to new elections, one of them with a revolutionary idea that seeks radical change with unusual measures and policies, with a clear, consistent and firm message. . While the other candidate promises to get the country out of the misery in which it finds itself and one of those relevant aspects is the economic one, Ah! True, this candidate is the economy minister of this government period. . . (To think).
Today alliances are being formed that promise a restructuring of the political model and structure that has remained in power for the last 20 years. It is planned to destructure a model that has usurped the key places of public administration, thus making an entire system influenced by the government in power, trying to perpetuate itself in power.
The news seems like a reality show, while the current government continues to do its thing, accelerating the process of collapse of the country that was once an insurmountable power.
I think that if each of us Argentines do our part, we can take advantage of this opportunity to change the course of the country. What will you do?
Este fantasma es el presidente.
Estamos a una semanas a que se defina la presidencia para los siguientes cuatro años de Argentina, vemos al país sumido en la gran miseria política y decidida económica que cada día afecta a más y más Argentinos actuando como arena movediza de la cual es imposible salir vivo sin ayuda.
Entre los precandidatos a la presidencia había una especie de tiroteo de todos contra todos, habían especulaciones, críticas, acusaciones, denuncias y muchas cosas mas. Después de las elecciones se definieron primero y segundo puesto pero irán a unas nuevas elecciones los dos candidatos por la presidencia, uno de ellos con una idea revolucionaria que pretende un cambio radical con medidas y políticas poco usuales, con un mensaje claro, cosistente y firme. Mientras que el otro candidato promete sacar de la miseria en el que el país se encuentra y unos de esos aspectos relevantes es el económico, Ah! cierto, este candidato es el ministro de economía de este período de gobierno. . . (Para pensar).