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RE: Which one

Ah... this was simply brilliant. In that I mean, you answered the question so easily that it made it seem not that difficult again0! However, I might have a... well call it a sort of different point of view of you will:

You know when being faced with such a hard decision, it seems most logical for someone to be inclined to choose the first child! Because I most certainly thought that that way at first. But by the vagueness or lack of details in the question, I thought perhaps we should answer the question as plainly and directly as it is was written.

I guess what I mean to say is that: in my mind's eye, I didn't really want to mock up a full scenario such as the one you mentioned with the burning house and helpless mother screaming - No.
What I imagined was simply being in that situation where you are standing in front of these two children together in that burning house and you have to choose either one fast before it's too late.

Take for example:

You're standing upstairs in that burning house, right in front of the twins, as one of them is hanging on to a broken board in the verge of collapsing and the other is stuck under a fallen shelf or something.

Just an example

I don't know if you get my analogy there but yeah! That type of brutal situation makes your decision a whole lot harder! Because you no longer have the comfort or advantage of choosing the first child but instead you have a much tougher decision to make – choosing one right in front of you!

Lol, i'm not sure if that makes any sense because I might just be overthinking the whole thing a little too much...😅

But regardless, I very much liked your take to the Option.

Oh and before I go, I must mention that the thing you said about not making a decision because of their Gender makes a lot of sense!
To be honest, if you asked me, I'll say it's a bit ludicrous.

Ahh ..I just wish I expanded a bit more about it on my post instead of using only one word - Genderism.


If you're standing in a burning house there's little time to think...In fact, if you read the @meesterboom comment in this post you'll understand that just getting into the house is difficult, and often impossible. So, yeah, I understand the question wasn't that specific and that's ok, everyone answered it as they chose, myself included. I'm a pragmatic man, a realist, and a prepared dude, so I answered it based on that.

Thanks for your comment. :)

Ohh... okay. I think I understand.

And no, thank you! It was my pleasure.

Super easy topics this Friday...And if you believe that you're bloody bonkers! 😄

Ha! You've got that right!

Good day, the lack of details also made me hesitate in the answer, it was always in my mind that the children were together and in the same place, space.

So it made me hesitate to pick one specifically but obviously the final answer was to grab the first one and then I come back for the second one.

Sometimes the lack of preparation for these events as @galenkp mentions is not so personal, a person prepared for natural disasters or any accident acquires what he has in his environment, that is to say there are nations that have by culture the education of this type and that seems excellent to me, sometimes we are ignorant because of the lack of preparation that comes from our culture. But it is not nice to label people for that either.

The interesting part of the question is with preparation or not, the answer is the same, save the first one you meet.

I liked your comment very much @zeraton

Ah... Why thank you!
I'm glad someone else felt that way as well. But you're right though! For better or worse, just save the first one you meet.

Rescue him and run !! 😊😍