Just before I clock 60: A WK engagement entry

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)


"I want to put a dent in the universe"

- Steve Jobs.

I choose Option 5:

Tell us about three major things you'd like to do or achieve by the time you're 60 years old [or 80 if you're already +60]. They can be as real or far-fetched as you like. Explain why they are on your list and how you plan to go about making them happen.

Ahhh... 60 years old, the sexagenarian age I believe. Yes... what a mile stone that would be for myself and really any other individual whom appreciates living just as much as I do.

To be honest, I always fancied myself retiring at the age of 50 or at least 55. Yes... retiring from all that grimly hustle and bustle of everyday work and really just taking time to breathe in this beautiful thing called life. You know what they say:

60 is the age you start learning to truly love yourself and life...

Well at least that's what the internet says. What say you though? That is, if you're 60. Do you believe you love yourself a lot more?

Lol, I doubt it. Not with all that high prostrate cancer risk I can assure you :)

Regardless, I'm sure that the 10 year time span from 50-60 would be more than enough to achieve all the things I would like to before I turn 60.

Now before I get into my three major achieves, I just want to mention that I intentionally left out the rather normal and cliche achievements such as: having a family, or paying your mortgages, or even becoming a millionaire!

You know I get it, those things are fine and quite essential(most of them) but, I just assumed this option was meant to be treated as some sort of Bucket list and hence, my reason for leaving out the obvious and rather cliche achievements.

But hey, that's just my opinion.

Okay, so now that I've gotten that outta my chest, I can now enlighten you on the things of which I would love to achieve before I am 60:

No. 1 - I want to visit the Devil's Triangle.

Oh for fuck's sakes don't tell me you buy that garbage superstition to?

Okay, so I'm just going to assume that you've heard of the infamous Bermuda Triangle Aka the Devil's Triangle and the urban legend that surrounds it. And if you haven't then - just Google it bud.

Anyway, my reason for wanting to visit this place before I'm 60 is due to 2 very essential reasons:

1.) To prove to my ass head friends that their belief in this superstition is nothing but a farce.


2.) To laugh at my fuck face buds when I prove to them that it is indeed a fiction!

For a longtime now and even till this day, my friends have held this belief that the urban legend of the evil, mysterious devil's triangle is a reality even though it has been proven without a doubt that it is simply nothing but a mere story. And so, because of this nonsensical belief of theirs, we have ended up having so many fights and disagreements over this topic some of which have even lead to me getting physically attacked.

I won't disclose the details but yeah! It happened.

Therefore, I have made it a priority that I achieve this goal by someday going to the Bermuda. And I tell you, what better time to do it before you get into sea sick age as 60.

My plan - To take a boat to the western region of the North Atlantic ocean, camp out there for about a day or two, and before I finally leave scream:


Enough said.

No. 2 - I want to kiss the hands of 1000 different women from 1000 different countries.

Hey, it was either this or take body shots from 1000 different women :)

Now as odd as that title may have sounded, it is very correct. Yes! It is a dream of mine to do exactly what was written there.

You know, the idea has actually always been in my bucket list even prior to this WK Topic; that is, to take a private plane, fly around the world to many different countries, and then gently caress my lips upon the hands of several women each from different cultures and backgrounds.

In my own absurd little way, I see it as the ultimate form of chivalry, respect, and homage for all the many beautiful women of the world.

No. 3 - I want to leave a legacy.

Just like a symbol carved upon stone, I want my most noblest words and actions to be immortalized upon this world.

Steve Jobs once said something that inspired me more than any other words could ever have done and that is:

I want to put a dent in the universe...

And that's exactly what I want to do.

Look, I have never been one to excel exemplary in one particular field and certainly not been one to say for certain that I was the best in what I do but... I am however one who knows he would leave a legacy one way or the other.

Whether it be by me excelling in my field of Biomedical science and therefore, discovering the cure for Birth defects, or by building a respectable empire of status and wealth, or even by composing an iconic pice of music or poetry which would be remembered by many generations to come.

And then again, it could even be as little as writing a book which could inspire a person, or giving a little help or advice to a few individuals who may be in need of it.
However the method maybe, I would be the more content knowing I have left a legacy be it in the hearts of millions or in the comfort of a single person.

Needless to say, I have dreamt greatness and I know that I will be great. And being able to achieve and appreciate all these while still being alive at 60, would probably be the greatest achievement of all.

Thanks for reading and keep exploring!


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@zeraton Really, you've quite weird goals here. But anyway they are like some things I'd love to dare face too at or before such age too. So I guess we are on the same page 😁

Haha... See we are not that much different after all 😁


Wow Amazing

Thank you!

You are welcome