WEEK-END EXPERIENCES #163 Personal care, beyond selfishness

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)


Are we selfish in taking care of ourselves to achieve better version? Hello friends! I hope you are having a great weekend, I could not pass up the opportunity to participate in this topic, which in particular is interesting to me, so much so that I dedicated part of my training to learn more about facial care in order to improve some aspects of my skin and with my knowledge help others to achieve the improved version of their skin, it is not about being perfect but to see favorable results starting with small changes in routine and gradually regain that self-esteem.



I honestly don't think this topic is selfish, on the contrary... if we take care of ourselves we will be able to take care of others. Self-care is as important as physical and mental health. If we go further, it goes hand in hand with mental health, getting up in the morning brushing, bathing, washing our face, taking a few minutes for our skincare routine, moisturizing our skin and putting on that perfume we like so much, will raise our self-esteem and in this way we will be able to be more active and productive for the rest of the day.


It's not about grooming for others, it's about doing it to feel good about ourselves. Men love to keep their beards groomed and we love to have nice hair, spending on facial care products is not a waste of money, it's an investment. Medical treatments have advanced a lot nowadays, the application of botox has become common in both men and women, it is okay to give us that touch up we want, it is not about changing our features drastically but to have a facial harmonization according to our age, as long as we do it with a professional, it will be fine and there is no reason to judge the one who uses these techniques to improve his version.


As a teenager I suffered with comments about my acne skin, even some hurtful ones from adults who today I know were people reflecting their emotional problems on me. All of this made me want to isolate myself until my skin healed. I went through many treatments until I understood that it is normal, it was something I was dealing with and I didn't have to give importance to those comments. That is why today I put myself in the shoes of those who are in this stage, I tell them my experience to let them know that they are not alone, that this will pass.


For this and more reasons I think that the issue of self-care is not selfish at all, on the contrary, it is totally acceptable and respectable, we all seek to feel good from the inside out. However it may be, we should not judge others for what they do or what they do not do. Everyone lives their own process and only that person knows what it has cost them to achieve what they have. Thank you very much for reading me, see you in a next post, a hug, drink water and be happy.


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 2 years ago (edited) 

You need to remove the esp/eng part of your title. This is an English only community and that sends the wrong message.

Why you would put esp/eng in a post that is all in English is a mystery to me.

Sorry, it was my mistake. I fixed it.

Thank you.

hello friend @yoselyncampos self-esteem always has to be part of us. We should not expect positive responses from other people in order to feel good.

self-love and accepting ourselves as we are is an important part of our physical and mental health.


That's right Alfinger, as we grow up we learn that. Thanks for your comment, happy day.