Thank God today is Friday! 🫣, all in all it has been a super stressful week, I have been full at work, it has been an intense week, many problems have arisen, which thank God have been solved, so I'm sitting on my bed watching TV and writing my entry of the week 233 of the weekend experiences, I tell you that the topics is very interesting, I had a hard time deciding, and I will write about 3 strong opinions:
What are the three strongest opinions you have and why?
1- Maybe this is the strongest opinion I have, that's why I put it first, I hope you understand what I want to express; since I was a child, I have thought that if a woman gets married, has children, and, for some reason separates from the father of her children, she should try to stay alone for a while, without taking another man to her 🏠 where are her children, I don't know, I think the children are in danger, there have been so many cases of child abuse and mistreatment, from physical to sexual abuse, which is generally on the part of stepfathers (and I am not saying that this is the case in all cases, but in the majority), sometimes the situation is so terrible that I have known of cases where the mother and the daughter get pregnant by the same man (the stepfather).
That is why I have always thought, and I maintain it to this day, if a woman separates from the father of her children, she should stay with her children until they get married and leave home 🏠.
2- A woman should not stay by a man's side, putting up with mistreatment just because he supports her financially.
I have never been able to understand how a woman can say: I am with him because he supports me, and if I leave him, what will become of me and my children... I mean, don't you have two hands? Can't you work? Don't you have two hands? Value yourself a little, and leave that man!
3- Girls are taught to play not only with dolls, but also with cars, airplanes 🛩️ and all kinds of toys, because by giving them only dolls, I think (it is something personal), that there is an indoctrination where in a subliminal way girls are inculcated that they were born only to have children and attend a 🏠🫣.
I don't know, maybe I'm a little crazy, although my son says that we are all a little crazy, hahahaha.
Thanks for reading me, I look forward to your opinion!
Greetings and blessings 🙏
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Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas con mi teléfono ZTE.
All images are my own, captured with my ZTE phone.