Hydrotherapy for Relieving Depression and Reducing Anxiety

Happy weekend beautiful people of this wonderful community, today I want to share with you the activities I did this weekend.
It turns out that by medical indications the Dr. recommended me a pharmacological treatment to lower my anxiety levels and in turn minimize depression in conjunction with emotional therapy and in this case we applied the Hydrotherapy.

The specialist told me that when we feel sad and overwhelmed the best solution is to try to be happy, which is a personal decision and how to do it? Well, by surrounding yourself with people and activities that make you happy, by moving away from problems and anything that makes you anxious, and that's what I did.

This weekend I worked on reducing my anxiety levels, so we traveled and I focused on spending time with my family, away from problems, my cell phone and people who would cause me distress.

I relaxed and put into practice the Hydrotherapy recommended by my doctor and I enjoyed how healing this therapy was for me, in these moments of depression, because I understood that nature has incredible healing properties and even freed me from those negative energies and I felt strengthened.

Hydrotherapy refreshes you and helps you to free yourself, improves blood circulation and promotes mental relaxation, it gives you many benefits, I put it into practice and it was really good for me.

I cried for a few minutes, but at the same time I was draining and leaving in the water all those feelings of sadness that repressed me, then I shared with my children while we bathed and I came out feeling strengthened.

I know they recommend not to be alone in times of depression, but at the same time it is good to find yourself again, enjoy the silence and be in a quiet place, only with the people who are important in your life.

In the evening we went out to buy something for dinner or to take a walk with the children and the truth is that I felt very liberated, I was in another place, in another environment, mentally at peace and in the company of the people I love deeply.

I did not see the people and things that overwhelm me daily, it was like starting from scratch in another place, at least for a weekend. Waking up after a cold night, I would go out to the pool to warm myself with the glimmers of sunshine coming into the house, while my family slept and we were alone with a cup of coffee with milk, my thoughts and me.

It is important to use the resources that nature provides us to heal, especially when what affects us is emotional, I discovered how healing water is, even its sound when it circulates through the tributaries of a river, I took the opportunity to drain and recharge us with good vibes and positive energy.

I invite you to try this water therapy, known as Hydrotherapy as a healing, relaxation and relaxation method. And so concluded our weekend, I hope you also enjoyed it as much as I did, I bid you a fond farewell until a new weekend experience, I'm @yelimarin.

The images are my own taken with my Redmi 9 A cell phone, I used the translator DeepL to share the English version with you.


I hoped it helped for you! With the family in the water is good stuff and everyone can be themsleves in the water.

Wishing you all the best in reducing the anxiety!

Thank you very much, you are very kind, yes, we had a very relaxing weekend and I discovered how healing these therapies that include the energy of nature can be.

Hola amiga que bueno que la hidroterapia te ayude con tus problemas de ansiedad a veces ignoramos cosas que nos pueden hacer mucho daño emocional y físicamente, debemos estar alerta y acercarnos más a nuestros seres amados, hablar de lo que sentimos y si es necesario llorar con ellos esto ayuda a drenar y no sentirse solo, es muy perjudicial aislarse.

Me gustó mucho tu experiencia, soy nueva acá espero puedas visitar mi blog y darme algún consejo.

Gracias amiga, si cuando nos sentimos deprimidos debemos rodearnos de las personas que amamos y no aislarnos, aunque es lo primero que hacemos.

The nature is magical, the water, the sun, the sand, the air and the whole thing is incredible.

It's good that you were able to disconnect a little bit from the things that cause you harm. My suggestion based on my own experience is that even when you have them in front of you, pretend they are not there. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed or hurt. Live your life and try to be healthy for you and your children.

Gracias amiga, si, en esas ando tratando de alejarme de las preocupaciones que me generan más ansiedad e ir resolviendo uno a uno de mis compromisos, sin olvidarme de mi.

We can heal, only if we want right and it will start with you. Good thing you take the doctor's advice, to be happy. Happiness ghat came from spending your time with the family is a good source of happiness ❤️🔥

Si, estoy tratando de hacer las recomendaciones del médico, hoy comencé a hacer ejercicios y aunque estoy súper cansada, me gustó y despeje bastante la mente, fui a unas clases de entrenamiento físico combinada con bailoterapia, me gustó bastante.

Nature does have a way of relieving stress, anxiety and depression, whenever I go in the pool, i feel relieved after being there for a while, i never knew it's called hydrotherapy, now I know, I'll make sure to intentionally try mire of the hydrotherapy whenever I feel stressed.

I'm glad you were able to follow your doctors advice and relieve your self from things that made you feel depressed.

Stay strong❤

Si,el agua es sanadora, la utilizan como terapia porque en ella podemos realizar movimientos, estiramientos, relajarnos, llorar y a su vez aliviarnos, es muy reconfortante, sobre todo cuando tus niveles de ansiedad están muy elevados.

hello my dear friend
Love your way to practice therapy.
great day with your family´Hope you are happy

Gracias amiga, aprovechando mientras se pueda y a su vez siguiendo las indicaciones del médico en recrearme y utilizar el agua como una terapia sanadora y revitalizante.

Su post ha sido valorado por @ramonycajal
