He's already a content creator outside Hive. He has a YouTube channel that's already monetized. Some of them are first timers, but very natural in terms of creating content. Some have WordPress blogs, so it's not difficult for them to create content.
As for me, I'm pressured to create content that would be at par to their quality. I always felt I just post whatever I have in mind.
Palawan is one of the best places to go on vacation. You won't regret spending every single penny you have when you're there. I suggest you allocate some of your Hive earnings and plan for a vacation there.
I see. What a great suggestion to allocate some of my Hive earnings, Kim. Maybe, after I will achieve the 365 Challenge in Saturday Savers Club. Hopefully, I could, hehe. Thanks much Kim.
I also saw one posted in galenkp’s community about trailing in nature. Indeed, they were all great content creators just like you!
They're awesome content creators. I'm not sure about me though. I always felt inferior compared to a lot of people here.
I understand your feelings, Kim. We always have that experience whenever we will compare ourselves to others. Maybe because it is their forte, but I firmly believe that you are a unique blogger. And everyone is enjoying your amazing blogs, too. You are a great content creator in Hive, remember that. And thanks for inspiring me.
Thank you! I'm so happy to know that there are people who are inspired by my posts.
Congratulations for hitting 2k followers, Kim. Not all are as great as you and I always commend you for that. This itself is one of the proofs of your humble existence in Hive blockchain. More to go and all the best!
Thank you so much! It's a milestone indeed.