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RE: Weekend-engagement week 68: Phone photos or make a meme

Yes. Some people are hearing the "things will get better" song for 40 years (or more). Everyone leave this country, who can leave this country. Many (both skilled and unskilled) people left Hungary. I am so tired of all of this. I also have plans to leave. We will see. Why would I struggle here, if I can live literally a free life in another country? I know about cave living (and squatter) people in Spain. Some of them are living in a cave for approximately 10 years. Many of them use recycled materials, some of them have solar powered energy, and some of them eat "recycled" food. The stores throw the food away, because they no longer able to sell it, but it is still edible. So some of them eat that. They know when and where the stores are throwing it away, and the stores are also know that there are people, who live on this. As I heard, this has its own culture. The cave living people spend as little money as possible. But it is good for me either way. I could buy food. I have approximately $250 USD pension-like income, but there would be no rent, no bills, no worries. It would be free life. This would be the cave living (or squatting) in Spain, instead of the struggle I am going through nowadays in Hungary. Of course I would pay the fee of the Hungarian Forint (HUF) - Euro (EUR) exchange, when I cash out money from my bank card, but it would be still a free life.


@xplosive Two things struck me when I read this. It is a very adventurous and fascinating plan, and I wonder how serious you are and how feasible it is. It is sad that things are so bad that you would consider something so drastic. The second thing that occurred to me was that what you wrote was very interesting.

I found myself wanting to know how you know about this and more details of this cave squatter life in Spain. What I am trying to say is that I think if you haven’t already done so, you could write one or more posts discussing this despair and consequent cave-squatting plan.

I know you just wrote about it, but you could paraphrase yourself and expand in detail. It could be funny or sad, depending on how you want to write it. My point is that I think people would be fascinated to read it. I could be mistaken. That frequently is the case, but I suspect it would catch people's attention.

What catches my attention the most is authentic writing about the everyday struggles of life. What might seem ordinary or usual to you is unusual to others who are elsewhere.

Anyhow, I don't want to tell you what to do, but I really found what you wrote interesting and here it is buried in a comment thread. I think it deserves to be expanded in detail and length and turned into a post of its own.

I hope I am not saying anything crazy or offensive. I could not sleep last night and my brain is just barely functioning yet I wanted to get these thoughts out while I remember. I hope I don't sound like I lack compassion because I am partly focused on the "story idea" potential of what you wrote.

Honesty like that resonates with people I think. Plus -- living in a cave in Spain. It's not something we hear about every day. My daughter spent her 20's traveling the world on a budget of $0, so I do have some second hand understanding of how such things work. But your situation is quite different from hers in most respects.

The funny thing is, if you are serious, although I see drawbacks in your plan, I also wonder if it might bring you a lot of peace and satisfaction in some surprising ways.