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RE: A Very Full Weekend - More Tales of a Wannabe Urban Gardener

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Gardening is surprisingly much more difficult than it looks; it's certainly harder on the back than expected!

My home improvement budget has aboot been exhausted this year, so I won't be doing much more expanding of the garden; besides, I have other projects I need to get done, and by then it'll be close to summer, and I won't want to start from scratch.

Your tomatos are looking good! I also had no idea there were so many varieties of oregano. I have one of the varieties planted - I'm not sure which.

p.s., this arrived today. Yay.



work necessarily, but to share in the gardening.
Sorry for the late reply; I have been unable to access ecency from Chrome all day, this is from FireFox.Still Victor, @wwwiebe, the invitation is open, not to come