Nature is so Relaxing! πŸ˜€

in Weekend Experiences β€’ 3 years ago

Nature is so Relaxing, It is so Refreshing Nature is Healing, It is Replenishing

How Do I connect with Nature?
I Connect myself with nature everyday, I enjoy it everyday, I feel it everyday, I can sense its magical touch in everything and everywhere. Its been a month since I have started going on Morning walks. Its winter season here in India and morning walks during sunrise are the best thing I have experienced lately. I usually go somewhere around 7:30 to 8:30 AM and it's the time of sunrise, where I could actually feel the sun rising, the weather is quite cold and when the sunrise clears the fog slowly and slightly its a great experience.

Before moving ahead, Let's see my experience I had with nature Today, here are the pictures I clicked with my phone, hope you liked it :









These are Mustard Fields, a common crop of winters in my state, sown around October and harvested in April. The Greenry is simply amazing, it will look more beautiful once it grew up, I will definitely share that moment too. But As you can see the dew drops on crop leaves and the fog scattering away in sunlight, its kind of feel so Refreshing and relaxing in the mornings. I just can't express the actual feelings but honestly it is full of positive and good vibes. Another great benefit of these mornings walk is the cold and fresh air that I get to breathe during that hour of the day, it actually feels amazing, its kind of a plus point of living in a village, no pollution and no traffic. Mostly its complete peaceful environment during these hours, I could easily hear, the rustling of winds, birds chirping and the sweet aromatic atmosphere around me.

I wonder how this experience will change in summers but in definitely winters, especially when its a sunny day when you could walk in the rising sun, the cold weather and warm sunlight fighting together to give a comfortable atmosphere and pleasant warmth which deeply feels the heart with joy and happiness. Another interesting thing about this freshness in air and morning is the positivity and smoothness it gives to mind. No matter what is going on the life, how hard it is, I am sure such morning walks into nature will definitely bring relaxation in mind and body.

Breathing the fresh morning air and bathing into bright sunlight, I could feel the new energy flowing in the body, that time nothing else matters in life, its just me and the nature. I feel grateful towards life and nature. How beautiful the world around us is but hardly we have time to notice the magic it can create. Bonding with nature really gives true sense of meditation and I had realized this now. But honestly nature has always attracted me, but earlier I was too busy in my life itself and I had no time for such activities. But lately I had started noticing small details around me and found beauty in it. I have developed a positive attitude towards life. All thanks to the wonderful time I devote myself with nature in the morning. Especially for Hivers, if you get blocked on thoughts and have no idea what to write next, try going on Morning walks, connect with nature, talk to yourself and you will have amazing ideas lightning your mind.

I think Nature is the Best Healer. Meditation and Introspection in early mornings with nature's blessings, can do wonders and unimaginable. Usually in fast track life we don't able to take time for ourselves and I think it's not easy in a city life. We don't have to visit special places or have to take special holidays to connect ourselves with nature. We just have to look around, change how we look towards the things and most importantly try to wake up early in the morning, even watching the sunrise every morning can cheer up our day.

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Thank You so much for Reading. Have a Great Weekend. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™