Christmas' Summary🎄💖

Hi beautiful people of Hive, I'm super happy to be back with you, I admit I was waiting for Christmas to be over so I could share with you many of the fun things I did.

I want to start with December 24th, in my family we decided to have a pajama get together, we all bought Christmas themed pajamas and funny stockings that were really not funny hahaha.

Here I show you a family picture, I covered my niece's face with my sister's face to keep her privacy since my sister doesn't like the idea of the girl being on social networks.


We took a lot of pictures because we found the idea of the pajamas very funny, also because my sister is opening her new apartment and furniture, so even though it's December 24th we made a open house.

I want to show you the pictures of this day because they were beautiful.



I also want to show you how we set up the Christmas table and how nice the decorations were, we also bought a cake, put grapes on the table and wine to toast at 12pm.


The cake was really delicious, it was vanilla and in the center it had chocolate that when you chopped it melted everywhere, it was really rich and with lots of chocolate that I love it madly.

When 12pm arrived, we arranged everything very quickly for my niece to receive the gifts from Santa, my mom had her leaning out the window watching the fireworks, when we called her to see the toys the girl was completely surprised, she was really happy and excited about all the toys that were in the tree, I show them


There in the picture you can see how she was clapping and her little face was impressed, she was very surprised to see so many gifts together (of course not all of them were for her) but she was very happy.

Here she is playing with her new bike


My niece's gifts were, a bike, a piano, fairy wings, a coloring board, a Minnie Mouse car and lots of clothes.

There were also gifts for my mom, my sister, my boyfriend and for me, I show you my gifts, a belt for the gym that I really wanted and some shoes that unfortunately did not fit me so I had to go to the store to exchange them for smaller ones.



And to my boyfriend I gave him a shirt and a perfume but I didn't manage to take pictures of his gifts. Later we had hallaca for dinner with pernil, chicken salad and ham bread which is the typical Christmas dish in Venezuela and we started listening to music, calling our relatives in other countries and friends. My cousins spent it with their mother in Spain, I had another friend who was also in piajamas that day and she gave me pictures, I want to share them with you so you can live these holidays to the fullest as I did. I really love Christmas and I love to feel close to my loved ones.



After the big christmas dinner and after eating a lot of sweets my boyfriend fell asleep hahahah and after a while I decided to go to sleep too. Attached are some pictures of my boyfriend asleep hahahaha


On December 25th we decided to rest, watch movies and eat candy because that Monday I had to work, it is very sad that for these dates many of us work and do not stop but well adult life is not very fair to say hahaha

In Venezuela, we are very fisteremos and more in these dates where many people go on vacation, others let us work until early and so on.

Well on Wednesday 28.12 I went to the gym to train as usual and it turns out that they had a Christmas sharing, something very simple because in the afternoon schedule not many people go, so there was not much food or anything but all the people were talking and dancing because they lent us the dance therapy room to do the sharing, so there was that little bit of people dancing and talking, many of those who were exercising stopped doing it just to go to the sharing.

I want to show you a picture of sharing and one with my trainer who is an old man of 70 years old but he knows a lot about sports, he has practiced all kinds of sports, basketball, soccer, karate, athletics, a lot and besides he is a physiotherapist so he knows too many things, I admire him too much and besides he has an incredible sense of humor, he keeps dancing in the gym or making jokes with people, I really love him, see our pictures.



That same day at night I went to a party with some friends for a New Year's Eve simulation, it is a party that they do in the nightclubs to simulate that it is December 31, really a lot of people go and the party is until dawn.

I show you how fabulous my friends and I were that day.


That night we danced a lot, we drank beers, rum and whiskey, it was really incredible, at 12pm we gave each other a happy new year hug and at the place we were given hats, whistles and flower necklaces to celebrate, here I am with my friends and our boyfriends celebrating.


After the happy new year hug we decided to leave because there were really too many people and it was uncomfortable, by the way my friends were sleepy and we didn't want to continue drinking.

On the 29th we had to rest and buy some things that were missing for the New Year's Eve dinner, so we went to the market and there we met my uncle and we had some mojitos at my sister's house. I attach pictures with my uncle that I hadn't seen for a long time.


On December 31st we were at my sister's house having dinner with the family and toasting for the end of the year. That day I didn't take many pictures because we wanted it to be more private, eating grapes, thanking for the wonderful 2022 and making a wish list for the new year 2023.


How did you receive the year, do you already have your wish list for this new year? what do you have in mind?

Es un chiste.png

Todo el contenido es mío y propio.
Todo el contenido es mio y me pertenece
Las fotos son mías y los Diseños los realicé en CANVA


What an amazing celebration. I love the giving of gifts to your niece. For my part, I wasn't able to give Christmas presents to my niece and nephews.

It was indeed a merry Christmas.

The most important thing is to be together. Happy new year

Happy new Year!

You too

A very fun day! What a cool time they had! Happy new year ✨...

Thanks, you too

Thank you for your help!Dear @valeriaehb,Our previous proposal expired end of December and the Hivebuzz project is not funded anymore. May we ask you to review and support our new proposal (