WE 228: dreaming of catching fish means you will get good fortune

Hello friends in Weekend Experiences Community, My post today is to contribute to the challenge of writing a topic on Weekend-Engagement: Weekend 228 with admin @galenkp.

This week I will choose a topic :

Do you feel your dreams have a significance, are trying to telling you something or have a meaning or purpose and if so why? Give examples.

In my personal opinion, Dreams are not just a dream, dreams are signs from God. God gives guidance to humans through our dreams, it's just that sometimes humans are not able to understand the signs given by God, so many people just ignore dreams.


Since I was little, I have been interested in understanding the meaning of my dreams and those of the people around me, therefore I have always believed that some of my dreams are not just a journey of my subconscious, but also signs from God about my future.

For example, if I dream of seeing or getting fish, then usually in the next few days I will get good fortune in the form of material or good news. The more fish and the bigger the fish, the greater the fortune I will get. This often happens in my life, so if I dream of seeing or getting fish, then I am happy.

This also happens when I dream of getting eggs, if the eggs are good then I will get good fortune, but usually when I dream about eggs, I only get happy days, like my wishes will come true, this is not related to material things.

But if I dream of getting rotten eggs, then usually I will get a disaster. I remember a few days before the new year in 2006, several nights I dreamed of getting rotten eggs, finally on the new year 2006, I had a motorcycle accident, the motorcycle I was riding was hit by public transportation.

So based on my personal experience about dreams, I am always careful when I dream about something scary, such as dreaming of getting rotten eggs, dreaming of getting married, I will remember my dreams, so that in the next few days I will prepare myself if I get bad news or experience a bad event.

Not all dreams are special signs, usually dreams about everyday life are the result of unfinished everyday problems, so they are carried into the subconscious in the form of dreams.

Thank you for reading my post, I hope my post is useful.

Best regard


It is an interesting take on dreams and some wild experiences there.

Dreams about everyday life usually result from unfinished everyday problems, so they are carried into the subconscious in the form of dreams.

I tend to agree:)

but sometimes many people don't realize it @millycf1976