Take a Seat

We did a bit of a road trip this weekend, because I finally found the kitchen chairs we've been looking for, for well over a year. While the style had been in production for about 75 years, these were manufactured in the 80s and have a nice patina onthem, which fits our kitchen and home better than the clean, new ones. They are also cheaper than new ones, by about 50 percent.

There is a strong used market for these products and they are pretty much always in demand. If we want, we can sell what we have bought for the same price or more, ten years from now, as long as in good condition still. I will take some pictures when they are in the kitchen.

IMG_20230513_143434 (1).jpg

But that will be later, because we had to drive a few hundred kilometers to pick them up. And this timed well with a trip we recently cancelled to a pool center, so we are spending the night together in a hotel and have swam for several hours already.

Smallsteps is pretty tired.

But we haven't eaten dinner yet.


Oh, we have now.

It is weird writing in slices of time like this.

Waiting for dessert.


So many desserts.

Holidays don't count, right?

Hips don't lie.

With the weather so warm and being out of the city, it does feel like a proper holiday. And it has reminded me that I need one at some point. Last year we were renovating. The year before I had a stroke. The year before we were renovating. The years before it was so intense looking after Smallsteps, we couldn't do anything.

I think we need to get out more.

These mini holidays are good though, because they can be relatively unplanned and quite cheap.

Unless buying chairs.


We are in a sports bar for dinner and Finland is playing Germany in the Hockey. It is a surprisingly tight game between the defending world champions and well, Germany. Though to be fair, Germany have been improving a lot over the last decade or so.


People move, start families - and take their sports with them, teaching their kids. In time, a country's sporting pool can change significantly.

It is a pretty good illustration of how skills can transfer through migration and change the economic structure. Of course, it takes support too and sport seems to get a fair amount of it. No one seems to mind when foreigners are "stealing local jobs", if they are improving the sporting results.

Smallsteps isn't going to inherit any sporting prowess from me.

She is as stubborn as me.
And a smartass.

I guess that is something.

BTW... Writing on the phone sucks!

It takes me forever and there are so many typos to correct. This post has taken hours!

I will need another short holiday to recover.

Right. A few minutes left in the third period of the hockey, so I will tune in there for a bit and see if I will come back later. Not looking good for Finland at the moment...

A nice weekend continues.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Haha Gratz on the vacation man. They are an accomplishment lately with the ban on travel a couple years, pent up demand, and jacked up prices due to inflation and everyone trying to make up for lost revenue.

Much of my engagement with Hive posts is done on the mobile phone often using @ecency but replies are easier than. Posts with images and formatting and such. I always envisioned adventure posts on the fly in the moment while I travel. Haven’t really found the most convenient way to do that and @actifit has been the one I have used most.

Same thing in Canada is happening with football/soccer. Always an underwhelming global embarrassment for real fans who have their normal favourite team, then don’t mention the home team. Enjoy your Canadians on the German team! Kidding aside Germany has been producing class-a talent recently and it has been good to see the playing field level a little.

Chairs are as good a reason to take one of those trips as any. I habs e one planned in the summer just to get out of town and visit old friends I don’t get to see for years at a time. Big benefit is for the little one who we are bringing and has never really been able to land in and explore a city. That is perhaps what I am looking forward to most…and maybe new breweries.

Thanks for sharing your adventure, good luck on the acquisition and safe travels!

and jacked up prices due to inflation and everyone trying to make up for lost revenue.

It is crazy. We are/were planning a first summer trip as a family, but it is about double the price we were expecting...

Enjoy your Canadians on the German team!

I actually mentioned to my wife "Germans" :D

Kidding aside Germany has been producing class-a talent recently and it has been good to see the playing field level a little.

Yeah, it has been good. I don't mind a hard game at all, as long as it is a good game. I only have a dog in the race as I live here - can't wait until Australia represents..

Still waiting 100 years later.

and visit old friends I don’t get to see for years at a time

This is something I would like to do more too - Too long between drinks, so to speak - for no good reason.

Big benefit is for the little one who we are bringing and has never really been able to land in and explore a city.

This'll be an adventure! Have fun!

I often have to take breaks while writing. I can never write in one sitting. My ability to stay focused is just not there anymore. I too hate usign the phone to write anythin of significant length. For me it is fine for a quick comment and vote or to read on the go. I hate using it to write anything of substance though.

The fam and I need to take more holidays away from home than we do. Nothing long mind you, but I would love to start taking some short wekeend trips to enjoy and support more local sites. That way it wouldn;t be so hard on us for travel either.

It's not just you my friend. I know a lot of Veterans have that issue with attention and focus, especially after we're no longer serving, though there are occasional drill Sargent moments that bring us back to the present right quick, at least in my case, not as often as I'd like, but that's just what it is. We are good at adapting and overcoming, just in smaller chunks of time now. If only we could remember what we were trying to adapt to and overcome, LOL! 😊

That is for sure. My mush brain can be so aware and on top of its game sometimes when there is a possible threat or pressure is on. However, when normal life takes over, it just seems to not want to work right for me.

Yeah, that is my thing now that I am medically retired, I have nothing to adapt and overcome except for myself and I am probably the hardest obstacle I have ever tackled. LOL!

I think we all have those moments after we retire, medically or otherwise, from the military. When they said, "There's no life like it.", they weren't kidding and we never truly leave it behind, especially after we've done a TOD (tour of duty, for the non-military folk) overseas. The things we see stay with us and that's probably why we can get that focus in a possible threat or high pressure situation, our training comes back, but in real life we don't feel like our fight or flight has to be on all the time and our bodies/brains try to get the rest they need by giving us mush brain. Just my opinion, of course. 😊

When I read this, "I am probably the hardest obstacle I have ever tackled. LOL!" part in your reply, I thought, dang that could be me. We are always our hardest critics and obstacles to overcome, but as long as we keep trying on the daily, even when we aren't successful, we're winning because we aren't giving up. Just remember that it's okay to take a moments respite from the battle, before heading back into the breach. 😊

Take a respite right now😀. Much appreciate the chat my friend.

Me too, happy to chat whenever you're up for it. 😊

I often have to take breaks while writing. I can never write in one sitting

I prefer it the other way - just sitting and writing in a block. I get more flow. I can't imagine what it would be like to write a book.

A night here and there makes a difference I think and I reckon most people don't take advantage of what they have close by enough.

I get it. I used to have to do that myself and it would drive me crazy to stop. Things have just changed over time.

Oh, people that write books have to have the patience of Job. I couldn't sit that long and write. Even in my better days.

I am starting to take advantage of what is going on around me more to give me a topic to write about. GEtting out more is giving me so many more of those opportunities as well.

I am starting to take advantage of what is going on around me more to give me a topic to write about.

The best way to write in my opinion, is to live a life. It isn't the big things that make a life, it is the daily stuff that we think is unimportant at the time, but is 95% of everything.

I usually write in slices of time XD

hs misc is always done in slices of time, I try to do progblogs in one sitting but that doesn't always happen

That's some dedication for some chairs, we definitely would not have been chasing a particular look for that long, but our house is a deliberately mismatched jumble, the only theme we have going is somewhat retro/old looking except for the computers (which I would totally steampunk case if I actually had time to do anything other than what I was doing).

But on the bright side you got a nice holiday out of the road trip :D and exactly what you wanted furniture wise I guess XD

(which I would totally steampunk case if I actually had time to do anything other than what I was doing).

Would love to see a post on this when you do it!

Our house is not quite a hodgepodge of furniture, but I a don't think it is like a catalogue either. The timing worked out on these ones and they work well - except we might need a third! :D

Sadly it's one of those things I don't think I will ever get around to ;-; mostly because I don't have the time and partly some of it requires craft skills and dexterity that I don't have.

Would you prefer it if it looked like a catalogue? Aside from having something more interesting than generic wall art XD

 2 years ago  

We are the masters of those short but nice holidays. We’ve taken so many within a 100 mile radius and it’s been quite refreshing and invigorating! Glad you got to repurpose a trip for something to a night out. Put some time away from the renovation for a bit of relaxing if you can. Easier said than done of course but hope you get to do it!

Yeah writing a post on our phones sucks lol first world problems for sure though :D

Definitely first world problems.

But yeah, it was a pretty great weekend and it was awesome to actually surprisae Smallsteps. I had set this up as a "Chairventure" so she had no idea what we were actually doing :D

It looks like they had a great time, what a great different afternoon 😁

It was really nice. How was your weekend?

During the blackberry days. I used to type a lot. I used to write long articles on it lol. But these days touch based screen is not the same. Good to see you are enjoying the weekend. :)

I never got into the blackberries - fat fingers :D

Renovation always continues. It's the natural state of every home.

It is a never ending world of work. But, at least it keeps the hands busy and the pockets empty, so I don't get up to mischief.

I always just think man, maybe an apartment wouldn't be so bad.

Indeed sucks! That's why I always prepare my posts on my laptop, more and more freedoom :)

I normally do too, or my desktop. But when out and about, it can be hard to find the time to sit with the laptop, so phone it is!

Hello my friend! 😊

It looks like you all had a nice trip and a good time together and those are memories that will last a lifetime, enjoy them all. 😊

I can't do a post on my phone, too small to see well enough to type anything worth reading and it would probably take me days, not hours, just to get an acceptable sentence or two, maybe a paragraph...so I'm impressed you got this done on your phone, no matter how long it took you. Well done! 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊

When I try to write on a phone, I don't get the same sense of the article, it doesn't flow as well. I think it is because I don't see as much of it in the screen at once, so it feels more disjointed. Maybe that is why it has worse readability?

I think you might be right on that, it never feels like a fluid post when I read one on my phone and its harder to see too, so I like to use my desktop computer for writing and reading of all posts. It's better for my old eyes to use the desktop instead too. 😊

I do not like to do it on the phone. But I finally installed Keychain and logged in on the phone. It is good sometimes to check when I’m not home.

Yeah, I use keychain on the phone also. Makes life easier for sure. Safer too.

Phone typing can be stressful especially for us that are used to being with our laptops 24/7 But sometimes you got to do what you got to do😅
Enjoy your mini trip, lovely pictures.

I am not great at typing at the best of times, but on a phone - isa near the worst!

I'm used to write on phone and type on phone ، although I've laptop too but I'm okay with both of these. i published my post everyday on hive and i typed it on my phone 😸😉

I think it's just on how much we used to of it!!!

I find it hard to format properly on the phone too. Cutting and pasting code sucks.

Yes it's little hard and tough, i agree with you

BTW... Writing on the phone sucks!

I think that people who write on the phone with one hand are magicians. I can barely do that with both hands...

I think they must be very good at masturbation :D

Oooo phone typing is the worst...except maybe for chiseling on a rock lol. Enjoy your mini vacay! The ladies are looking awesome!

Funny note: I had to edit to fix a typo and I am on a laptop LOL

:D :D

I smash keys like I don't have fingers.... The most worn key is the backspace :)

Have a great weekend!

You aren't the only one, believe me. LOL! 😊


I always wish I had learned how to touch-type as a kid.

I actually learned to type, (on one of those old slam the keys type of typewriters,) and can do it without looking, on my computer, but not a chance on my phone, they make the keys too small and too close together to do more than mash a bunch together and have to use the backspace key a lot. I wonder if that's the reason they came up with voice-to-type software...if only it actually typed what you said, instead of what it thinks its hearing you say,...it would get a lot more use if it did that for sure. LOL! 😊

Buying them cheap yet in very good condition that can be resold for the same price... That's the kind of patience worth having.. seeing that you had to wait for over a year to finally get these chairs.

I like that it will compliment your home and give it a nice touch.

You and your family do need vacations and holidays. It's fine that you are getting a bit of that this weekend.

I love that Smallsteps is smart, it will definitely serve her well in life.

And your wife is beautiful 😍

Right now, I am trying to hold myself back from leaving a comment on everything you discussed in this post...lol.

This is a splurge for us - we are pretty cheap otherwise - but these details can add a nice feel to the home.

What have you been up to this weekend?

This is a splurge for us - we are pretty cheap otherwise -

I know that you know that I know this... That's a lot of 'know' .. lol.

but these details can add a nice feel to the home.

I agree

What have you been up to this weekend?

Well. We experienced a shortage in electricity towards the weekend and I spent my days trying to catch up with my friends by visiting them at home or their workplace.

Right now, the power has been restored so I am listening to music while I catch up with my favorite writers on Hive.

How often doe the power go out for you? That must be frustrating.

As often as possible. It's almost second nature.

And yes, it's always very frustrating.

An article on the run... sounds like a fun weekend experience!
Looking forward to seeing these chairs worth driving a few hours for.

Oh yeah, I will have to do aa post on them! :D

Writing on the phone sucks!

Don't write on phone. Come home and write, world won't stop, right? :)

But then I will miss the challenge!

ha ha ha!

so you struggle with the other challenge on typing on phone :)

Yep. I have a laptop here now, but I didn't have one all day. Knew I wouldn't have time in the room to write, so powered through :)

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 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

I don't like typos - though I have to get used to them now :)

Sometimes the typos are better than what the auto correct replaces them with, so... LOL! 😊

I agree. The other thing is when the autocorrect corrects it with saved typo words...

I know right, you'd think auto correct would automatically correct the typos correctly, it's kind of implied in its name and everything. LOL! 😊