Before the covid-9 pandemic and consequently, the lockdown, Scrabble was not a game I thought I would ever play. It wasn't even a popular game where I'm from.


But during the pandemic, for lack of what other activity aside stayng indoors, watching TV, sleeping, toying around with our phones and what have you, my siblings and I took to playing the game. My immediate younger brother had the board and was the only person who played the game prior but for boredom, the rest of us joined in.

Soon, our guys from the neighbourhood joined in and it became a thing. Very fun stuff. From playing, I learned so much that it embarrassed me to think that I had such thrilling sport but overlooked it. So much is there to learn from the game especially with making strategic moves and vword vocabulary development. In no time and even after the lockdown was over, I was playing with the bigger boys in the game and beating most of them. Well, what else do you expect from someone who soaks himself in the activity from dawn until dusk?

In that time, I thought of the possibilities of playing the game on higher platforms but pushed it aside. I only enjoyed it and that was that.

However, much i fancy Scrabble, the one game that fascinates me the most is the game that comprises 'luck' and 'skill.' The former mostly, in my opinion., but having both gives an upper hand. It's the LUDO game.


The Ludo is a board game played by two, three or even four persons. It involves rolling dice and moving some colored buttons around the board to either hunt down an opponent or make a 360 round the board and back home.

I played this game a lot as a kid, and I remember how pumped up it made me when/if I won a round.

I particularly just fancy the game cause I do not have to put so much thought to it neither much energy. It completely describes game for fun and relaxation. But maybe, just maybe, the reason I like it very much is that it reminds me very much of a time in my life. The play-filled times of my childhood/teenage years. Makes sense, does it? I hope so.

This is my participation to the Weekend Engagement Topoc week 213


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