 3 years ago  

One of my guidelines is that I don't want post links dropped here mate. That's not how it works.

 3 years ago  

I will delete it.

 3 years ago  

It's an engagement initiative, not a place to promote ones posts. Thanks for understanding. I've had to tell others, one who didn't like being told and unfollowed me. I was ok with it.

 3 years ago  

Fine with me, I missed that but made amends. Rules are rules :)

 3 years ago  

All good. If it became a link-droppijg thing I'd stop doing it. I like doing it so I police it a little. Thanks for understanding. I threw your post a vote. It was a good post.

 3 years ago  

Thanks, I had written another one but then I got confused about whether it was a camera or phone image. I am waiting for the price reduction of Hive. I will then buy and increase my HP to support my friends :)