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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

Let me talk about those three things which are important to me and what I prefer most. It’s a hard question which is hard to answer as all three which I am going to explain are equally important to me.

But if I have to write about my first, it’s got to be my laptop. I am nothing without my laptop, walking shoes, and camera (s). But let me put them in this order.

The laptop

Walking boots



I could have kept the camera in second place, but then I gave it another thought and kept my shoes in second place. See, my life depends on my laptop, whether I am working in my office or working from home, so it’s got to be my laptop in the first place.
Image from my Katoomba, Blue Mountain Collection
We all agree that hobbies make a person’s mind stress-free, or in my case, relaxed, and it removes unnecessary tension from my brain. I feel like walking, jogging, biking, and running are my stress-busters, so my walking gear, especially the shoes, comes in second place.

Then comes my camera. I am a nature lover, so I love taking photos as often as possible. Let me make it clear here that I take no gadgets with me during my morning walks, but I never leave my camera behind when going out for fun.


Three important things to get these nice photos right to us and well get some work done as well!

Thank you!

You're welcome! 😄

I understand why your laptop is more important than the others you mentioned... Dreemport and Hive is on it 😃


Hehe, these two are my hobby but my offline job is on it :) I work full-time through my laptop and stay connected with the whole world. Thank you!

I agree with your assessment of hobbies and how they can value add our lives so having good hiking boots is essential to that in my opinion. Also, th camera and laptop sort of go hand in hand as they can deepen the experience one has out in the wilderness through the photography and sharing it through the computer.

Nice answer.

I was surprised to see that another chose camera, I love having my camera also, it helps fill the memories and aids in recalling the memories from times past.