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RE: Do you think it will be worth it? | Let's talk a little bit about deforestation

It is a cultural matter, in the western world the behavior of consuming until the end is observed, without awareness of tomorrow.

But there are many regions in Africa and the eastern part of the world where the values are different. It is a relief that Westerners have not been able to fully impose their culture, or there would be no hope.

Cultures that are supposed to be primitive, understand and live, respecting the environment where they live, know that they are part of the world, not the owners of the world, as many people from the culture of the Western world arrogantly claim.

Es un asunto cultural, en el mundo occidental se tiene la conducta de consumir hasta el final, sin conciencia del mañana.

Pero hay muchas regiones de África y la parte oriental del mundo en que los valores son diferentes. Es un alivio que los occidentales no hayan podido imponer su cultura del todo, o no habría esperanza.

Culturas que se suponen primitivas, entienden y viven, respetando el medio donde vive, saben que son parte del mundo, no los dueños del mundo, como de forma arrogante se acreditan muchas de las personas de la cultura del mundo occidental.


You make a very good point there, about the issue of culture.

Consumerism is something that unfortunately we see as "normal" at this point, not long ago there was a pretty big controversy over the cosmetics market because of the origin of the vast majority of these products... to then leave in oblivion that problem.

Not long ago I read that in Europe and part of North America, it is quite common to hire people of color to make messages for birthdays. At first, it looks cute or harmless, but behind it, there is a big sadistic market that takes advantage of the "cheap labor" and also the lack of knowledge that exists in those places.