Hi Uncle G
I did this one for you and Aunty and it is on the way to Australia. Let's see if it gets there before Christmas, but anytime is good for reindeer.
Talk soon xx
Hi Uncle G
I did this one for you and Aunty and it is on the way to Australia. Let's see if it gets there before Christmas, but anytime is good for reindeer.
Talk soon xx
Hey! The cutest niece that I ever cuddled!
What a great painting, such lovely brushwork. I'm sure you've picked up your artistic flair from Grandpa T, who would be very proud of this masterpiece. This is a lovely looking reindeer!
I showed aunty Faith who loves it and she is really looking forward to seeing it in real life...She says thank you, she'll be checking the mail box every day! We will frame this one for sure.
We're looking forward to a video chat soon, be good and keep being cute, as if you could be anything else.
Cutest kid on the innerwebs with the painting of the day! It's just terrific!