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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 36: Generous and charitable - A nice combination

Recently the husband of my secretary had to return from his job overseas in Saudi Arabia due to the covid situation. Unrelated to his job, and because he was away from his family, he used his time to train in Karate and has achieved a level where he can now teach. Since returning he has set up a Dojo and has wasted no time in teaching the local kids for free as their families would never be able to afford to send them otherwise. He does charge the expat family kids parents and those that can afford it.
Now in all the years I have been here I've never seen such a positive impact on the kids here. Learning respect and earning respect. Understanding the rewards for hard work and discipline has had a profound effect on these children and you can see them carry themselves differently and these traits, I believe, will stand them in good stead throughout their lives as those traits can be applied in other areas of their lives.
So if someone were to give me $100k right now I'd use it to fund a few of the same kind of martial art training schools aimed at disadvantaged kids to instill some focus, discipline and self esteem into the core of those neighbourhoods ( meaning the youth and the future of them).


I just wrote a comment to someone else about the power to sport to empower kids and bring self-esteem, vital to give them the right attitude to avoid all the pitfalls that can appear in their young lives...The kids in the Favelas in Brazil come to mind, I'm sure you know what I mean...Crime etc.

I think that'd be a good use of the funds...Get those kids on the right track, martial-arting each other but doing it with respect. I've seen the amazing affect a little self-esteem can have on a person, I deploy this in my office with my team everyday, some of which I have written about here...It works. Nice answer.


I am donating my punchbag to them this week as we are leaving and plan to do a specific post about Rhon and what he's doing there. It's pretty cool :)

You better give it the last few smacks though, show it who's boss and then deploy a hug and send it. I look forward to that post.

I will miss my punchbag :( won't be able to have one on the next adventure as there won't be room

Hmm, you keep dropping little hints...No room...Are you doing a stint on the International Space Station?

Elons sending me to Mars ;)

You burying his BTC up there bro? He takes crypto security seriously it seems!

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I decided I was going to comment with out reading, then read the rest without commenting and come back to comment this afternoon and tomorrow.

Your idea touched me. Seriously. Cool thing. Great idea, possibly as good as mine and just possibly a teeny bit better.

We have one of the big dogs from USBA living here and he's got a more or less free gym with a couple of senior type guys training all the locals that want to learn to box Olympic Style. You can see the difference in how those kids hold themselves, too.

yes its noticeable. Has been really cool to watch. Rhons a nice guy and his wife has been my right arm at the dive shop for years. Really good people so donating my punchbag to them and 2 sets of gloves before we leave. Need to scroll through and find your comment bro :)