An Ideal Weekend in 485 BC

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago


For this one, I’m going to say I take a trip back in time…way, way back in time for my ideal weekend. You know that means, right? That means I have my time traveling van fueled up; I leave the family behind for the weekend, load up on cheeses, beer, and bratwursts for sustenance, and travel back to 485 BC Memphis, Egypt for an observation in history.

Why 485 BC? It’s a curious date, right? Some background first on this #idealweekend...I've been thinking about this date a lot of late thanks to this book:


I've been slugging through this book for a few months. It's a difficult read for me, as I have a difficult time following the logic of the author's passages, but the content is rewarding. It's very rewarding to someone like me who has long had an interest in the so-called Mysteries of humanity. Not being a Freemason or belonging to a proper esoteric group, the read is fascinating to a dreamer like me.

The foundation of the book is based on the alleged belief that the world, and humanity, was created in three phases. There was the Earth Goddess...a sort of gaseous, voluminous state of being that lived in peace. The age of Saturn then arrived and brought form to the Earth Goddess through conflict and violence. A young Sun then arrived internal to the Earth and defeated Saturn. Eventually, the Sun broke away from the Earth and illuminated life from above, not within.

So, I'm most certain you are asking yourself right now: what does any of this have to do with my time traveling van, my IPAs, and my ideal weekend? We are getting there, I promise!

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As the conflict of the Earth, Sun, and Saturn played out at the cosmic stage, life too played out on Earth. When the Sun defeated Saturn, it roared a sound through the cosmos that rattled matter in the Universe, forcing it to coalesce into patterns and forms. The author calls this the "dance of the substances." Adam, the biblical Adam, came into existence due to this "roar" as a large plant or tree that lived in the Garden of Eden on Mother Earth.

OK, almost there, time traveler fan...

Long story short, life evolved from plant, to mineral, and then to animal. Along the way, Adam gave birth to Eve and other descendants through parthenogenesis, a type of asexual plant reproductive process. A "Fall" subsequently happened, the eventual creation of protohumans, and civilization finally arrived (thanks to Lucifer, of course!)

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OK, Ok, esoteric musings complete! Let's hop back into my van...I arrive in Egypt in 485 BC and seek out Herodotus, the famous Greek historian of antiquity. He too is in Egypt at this time and spending time with Egyptian priests at Memphis. I manage to somehow blend in and understand the language being said (I'm a dreamer, remember?), and I follow Herodotus and the priests into a vast system of underground vaults below the temples of Memphis. We follow the tour below the Earth and listen intently to the words being spoken by the priests regarding the history of the world. Finally, we come upon a series of 345 large, wood statues depicting the line of kings that ruled before Menes.

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The priests, as they explain to both Herodotus and I, describe the 345 large wood statues as being "born from one another," and "without the need of a sexual partner." Each statue carries a plaque. Each plaque details the history of each king's reign, the king's accomplishments in history, and the king's life story. Ultimately, through this teaching and sharing of information, the priests have shared with the both of us the true secret history of the world.

Satisfied that I am in full understanding of the Mysteries of reality and antiquity, I give Herodotus a big hug and I then sneak away back to my van. I get a campfire started in the desert, jot down some notes, pull out some stargazing binoculars, and enjoy the view of the firmament above some 2,500 years ago. I also suck down a few beers and bratwursts to boot. Content the ideal weekend is complete, I had back to 2022 AD Wisconsin to share my learnings with those who listen.

So, there you have it. My #idealweekend! I was trying to grasp a concept for a post for the WE85 topic regarding a mystery to solve, but alas I ran out of time. Fortunately, this topic was able to help me to share a few thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head of late.

What do you think? Is it absurd to think we originated as discussed in the book above? Is it absurd to grill bratwursts in ancient Egypt while consuming Iowa brewed IPAs? Probably! Still, I would do it if I could...

Let me know if you to have an interest in the history of the occult, or if you have read the book? I'm always interested in the subject, so please feel free to drop a line and share any esoteric musings you might have!


Looks like a bt of a hard read alright. I read a book called a Brief Little history of the World. It was written by an author who wanted his kids to know the main summary of events on Earth since history began. It was printed in Norwegian but has been translated throughout the world. Excellent and easy read.
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This looks very interesting...thanks!

Hi @sagesigma

This was an interesting travel into a totally different concept, I kinda like the three phases that they mention in the book, although I find it kind of hard to grapple with us being plant based. I do know a few people that have the same IQ as potatoes do though, so it's not entirely unbelievable lol.

I am going to see if this book is in an e-format, I'll try to give it a read if I can find it.

It sounds like it would be a good way to spend a weekend although I do have a question - if you took your bratwursts with you back in time to Egypt, wouldn't they revert back to their original ancestors which would then be plant based if it was a similar thing that occurred with all mammal life forms ... would it be a vegan bratwurst then?

There are a lot of folks with potato IQs, aren't there? Lol

Yeah, take a look at the book if you are able to. I'm sure it's more coherent to others...I think I just struggle with the author's style. Some of the stuff in there is fascinating, and like everything in this realm, who knows what is true (but I like to read about it!)

Well I hope my brats don't go vegan! I mean, those work in a pinch, too, but maybe with enough sauerkraut drenched on them, they too could pass as more "vegetable"?

I love that you decided to time travel!

Thanks so much! I would if I could, too!!

The source of our origins fascinating. Much hidden from mankind.

I agree wholeheartedly...I'd love to know what actually happened all those years ago. It would be a dream come true.

If you go to heaven that won't be a problem. 😊

I am sure they had their own version of IPA, I have not read that particular book, but have read others on the subject. Very hard to read from cover to cover, but certainly gets your mind working.

You read heavy reading, I’m thrilled. Thank you for your contribution