Funny enough among all the questions in this week's engagement concept, this was the one question that my mind was thinking about all day yesterday.
Growing up was the craziest ups and downs for a little boy like me. I was exposed to a lot of stuff by myself. I didn’t listen to a lot of stuff I was warned about and always preferred to see things for myself. Sometimes I had to learn a bitter lesson, at times the lessons I learnt were too bitter but that didn’t change me.
It happened that when I was in Junior high school I dislocated my arm for the second time, the first time was when I was in primary 5. On that day, my dad was not around (he wasn’t at home like in primary), the circumstances leading to what happened was actually a weird one. So when it happened they had to call my dad to come and see things for himself. My arm was broken but I didn’t care as I knew my dad would scold me for breaking my arm for the second time in 2 years .
So obviously when my dad arrived his reaction was not a good one. When my dad did that I don’t know why it triggered something in me but then I didn’t like it 😂. The first taught that came to mind was wait, is this man my Father? I was expecting sympathy, I was expecting him to console me but that wasn’t what happened. What did I expect if I didn’t listen to the advice that they were giving me always. I deserved the scolding and cold treatment for the 5 minutes that I got it.
After that he took me for treatment. To be sincere a lot of things run through my head. I was thinking I will let myself heal from the injury and then I will run away. I had it all planned out.
The first thing I was going to do was write a note down like in movies, pack my things and leave the house. I will try and look for my real parents but to do that I will have to call my fake parents. I wasn’t allowed to use a cell phone at that time so I was going to use one of this toll boot lines. That way they won’t know where I was. My little mind had everything planned out lol😂.
I had the chance to watch all those movies where kids leave home and look for their real parents and all that.
Waiting for my arm to heal didn’t do me any good. It took my arm almost a year to heal and by the that time the idea of running away had left my mind. Did waiting do me good? But I knew if I wanted to leave home in that condition I would suffer.
Well, all that months have made me forget about that idea of me being an adopted child. I literally look like my senior sister. So there’s no way am going to have those thoughts anymore.
This is an entry to the weekend engagement concept by galenkp. If you wanna put in an entry to any of his questions here is the post to know more before posting.
Thank you.
All images are mine unless stated otherwise
Oh yeah that’s how most people learn. You need to be left to fuck around to find out, because sometimes, a simple “Don’t do that. It can hurt you” is not good enough and you have to find our why you shouldn’t do it for yourself.
Dagomba fathers and sympathy? Oh nah. You can only expect sympathy after a bit of anger and violence has already happened. That thing needs to change with us or our kids will end up probably hating us.
I’m glad you didn’t go on that little search of yours. You would’ve found lit the hard way and at a very early age that the movies are nothing but stories and lies.😂
It’s amazing how much we forget the offense or bad things our loved ones do to us. It’s like even if you want to stay mad, you just can’t. Especially ones a bit of time passes.
😂😂Yep it’s actually nice if you learn that way without getting hurt and all that. But having to learn that way is the hardest part for me.
Haha, I pray we don’t grow up to behave like that. Sometimes the children need to see that we as the parents care even though it’s understandable that you should be angry.
Yep, movies 😂
Lol I hope we don’t grow up to want to raise our children the way we were raised too. We didn’t get the kindest upbringing and we need to try fir the sake of our kids and their generation, to teach them a better way.
You never cease to amaze me with your stories 😂😂😂😂.
I can’t relate because I always listen to what they tell me to do😌😂. And I never get into trouble.
But the way you were troublesome as a child, I’m sure you still have it in you.
Why would you dislocate your hand for the second time and you expect sympathy?
If he had sympathized with you, you probably would have done it again 😂😂
Oh am still that way but now I think before I do anything. In most cases i think about the consequences before I do anything.
As for the arm dier😂, they said if I do that for a their Time then they will cut off my arm.😂
Come on even though I didn’t care about sympathy my arm still needed it 😂
The true takashi king.😂
At the time you were planning to run, they didn’t tell you you were in Ghana abi? We don’t do that here.😅
It’s not always nice to get scolded but then you learn the hard way it’s just the African way of showing love.
I think my arm realised that we don’t do that here. Maybe man would have lived by bread alone 😂
Like the bread is a blessing.😂
I bet u forgot him. Or he wasn’t just part of the plan?
Breaking ur arm twice within two years, you really were stubborn growing up, “Biyarga” in dagbani.I laughed from the beginning of the post to the end😂😂😂…..you are a twin and u didn’t think of going with @yahuzah ?😂
That’s why he didn’t succeed.😂😂
Good point 😂