If I could have guessed which one you'd do, I knew you'd do this one! YOu are such a lovely, kind human being.
I always think that peple who treat animals so badly have been treated so badly themselves. It gives me such a sadness for the world.
If I could have guessed which one you'd do, I knew you'd do this one! YOu are such a lovely, kind human being.
I always think that peple who treat animals so badly have been treated so badly themselves. It gives me such a sadness for the world.
Thank you @riverflows, I think that also, for some anyhow, but for others they are just cruel I think and this saddens me also xxx
But cruelty has to come from somewhere. We aren't born cruel. It deeply saddens me too - how a human being can become like this. Our nature is primarily goodness - I believe that with all my heart.