truly believe that being bullied at a young age can have a profound and long-lasting impact. It shapes your mindset, self-image, and ultimately your development and choices later in life. It influences everything, especially during such a critical, formative period. Yet, it seems these effects are still underrecognized and overlooked by many, and there’s far too little attention given to this issue, even today.
We are told to get over it, mostly. It is so long ago. My bullies apologized, and when I could not say I forgave them, they all but took it back, as if I was being unreasonable. I had nightmares for years. It shaped my nervous system, my relationships to others, my sense of worth. It is not something you easily get over.
people who could bring tremendous value if they were supported more healthily.
Some establishments understand it takes all kinds to make a productive workplace, but not many. It's like you have to be already working there before you can ask for help and hope you aren't pushed out. Or worse, gaslighted - as if you aren't good enough or strong enough when you are actually brilliant and just need a break.
At 53, I think my work days are done. I can manage a few days relief teaching but that's it. I'm exhausted from years of pretending to be in control and capable. I was a fantastic teacher. Energetic, creative, passionate, and God help the bully because if I caught anyone being an asshole I would sit them down for a stern talking to.
But there's only so long you can perform.