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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

Thanks you so much for your kind words 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Wow! I Feel so love tonight, it is a pleasure to meet you too.

The technique I adopted in overcoming fear and it works for me was through the following:

I make sure that I feel refreshed and whole again at all costs.

At time if I am in a gathering, i will try as much as possible to make a speech, stand by it and make sure it was rated above average.

whenever I am to make a speech, I will make sure that I perceived with courage, in such a way that, no one would ever want to oppose me.

Always imagine what May be the truth before making assumptions on any subject matter.

I also believe that I am not perfect and not better than anyone but on the other hand, also believe that I can contribute immensely, which may in turned help the overall Broad goal.

I try as much as possible to be happy, because happiness refreshes ones mind.