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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

What else is important to me if not the weekend engagement topic: each time I am around here, I catch fun a lot and get to read others peoples views for the week. And how @galenkp would reacts to each of the comments made under the weekend post.❤️❤️

Secondly, seeing that I am improving in speech making, like before I was This kind of shy guy, that do not talk much in public, not like I would not know what to say though! But was always a kind of fear in me.

Lastly, being able to get a new place for myself and being comfortable is what also makes me happy and it's important to me that it was achievable ❤️❤️❤️❤️


If you don't ask no one knows... If you don't talk, how can we? OK you makes huge strides overcoming that shy, good to chat!


Thank so much 🥰

Those are some huge accomplishments: getting a place and overcoming fear of speaking up. Can I ask how you have overcome your fear? What do you tell yourself? What steps did you take? I am curious because I have had clients who had difficulty overcoming this fear, and it's really not easy. It's a process. You should give yourself a lot of credit for this. Maybe you already do :).

I am enjoying my first time engaging on this weekend engagement also... weekend engagement-- not just for the weekend!

It is great to meet you.

Thanks you so much for your kind words 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Wow! I Feel so love tonight, it is a pleasure to meet you too.

The technique I adopted in overcoming fear and it works for me was through the following:

I make sure that I feel refreshed and whole again at all costs.

At time if I am in a gathering, i will try as much as possible to make a speech, stand by it and make sure it was rated above average.

whenever I am to make a speech, I will make sure that I perceived with courage, in such a way that, no one would ever want to oppose me.

Always imagine what May be the truth before making assumptions on any subject matter.

I also believe that I am not perfect and not better than anyone but on the other hand, also believe that I can contribute immensely, which may in turned help the overall Broad goal.

I try as much as possible to be happy, because happiness refreshes ones mind.

It seems like you are overcoming quite some milestones! Very happy for you 😊. Weeknd engagement is a great gateaway for some of the speech skills you mentioned

Keep up the progress one step at a time.

Thank you so much ❤️

Haha, great answer indeed! ✅

It's good to know you're having fun here and I hope you're building some good relationships also. That's what it's for.

Also so great that you're feeling more open with your communication, that's a great and very important aspect.

Well done and keep it up!

Thank you so much 🥰

It's my first time experiencing this weekend engagement and I must say I understand you when you say you catch a lot of fun from it.... Where have I been? 😂

Being shy and not wanting to talk in public places was also my difficulty until I broke out of it... I'm glad you're coming out of it too.

I want to ask, which do you prefer now "Being open in public and being shy?"
And then what would have been your response if you were still the shy type?

Please don't mind my too much question 🙈

Posted via

I did and now I am better, getting the best of me all the time, thanks that was pretty encouraging🥰


Keep coming around these activities and those speech skills will skyrocket to infinity and beyond!

Lastly, being able to get a new place for myself and being comfortable is what also makes me happy and it's important to me that it was achievable ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I'm so happy for you!


Where's my hug? This is also my first time participating in this engagement fun.


Smile.... Yours Is coming next week ✌️, keep calm is my turn now 💃

Ha, ha, ha. There's hugs for everyone. Especially for people engaging and having fun!


😂 😂 Great! Now, I feel more welcomed and very warm 😊

Ha, ha, ha. Glad to help and welcome you to this nice event!

Wow! That's so sweet, thanks so much ❤️❤️

This seems like the most interactive community on here

You are really right, we rise, it is one of the best and you should always come around too, same time, all week 🤝🤩