Hands of Love 💘

It was a Tuesday morning, yes, a Tuesday morning when I met him. I was on my way to work, walking down the streets of my town and heading to the bus stop. The day was clouded and cold, like those days when all you want to do is stay in bed, resting and enjoying the weather.

The bus was delayed more than usual so, as I sat alone on the bench waiting, I took my notebook to review all the material I had to present to the board of directors. Then, a man came by and sat next to me, he only said Good Morning and after my reply he took out his phone and minded his business.
The minutes keep passing by and I was getting restless, but that man seamed so calmed and serene, making me wish I had an ounce of that peace of mind, when out of the blue he started to talk to me.
At first I was uncomfortable because I don't usually talk to strangers, but after a while I didn't care, for he had a pleasant way of talking. I gave him a short answer about what I was reading, what I did for a living and asked him the same thing. We just hit it off and exchanged names: I'm Jhon he said, as he extended his hand to me. My God, he had the most beautiful hands I've ever seen and felt. So warm and soft, and made me feel safe, it was strange and somewhat scary, but I didn't care. I gave him my name and then the bus came, to my disappointment because I wanted to keep talking to that man. He followed me and we kept talking and talking, I got lost in his eyes, and when I wasn't looking at his eyes, those deep blue eyes, so clear and bright, like a bright blue sky, I was staring at his hands. I wanted to hold them, to feel them, what can I say, I'm a sucker for hands, and those hands took home the price.

My stop finally came, we exchanged numbers and agreed to have a cup of coffee after my presentation. That was the start of a beautiful story, one that's going on till this day, and I was right, he makes me feel safe and warm just with a touch of those beautiful hands, hands that heal, hands that care, hands of love.


Hands of love-From Pixabay.

Hello dearest friends of Hive and The Weekend Community!

Taking advantage of the upcoming festivity of Love, Valentine's Day, and this week's #weekend-engagement brought to us by the awesome @galenkp, I chose option 4 and wrote a fictional story about the Best Part.

I love hands, just love them, for me they are the best feature of the body because they can do so much, they heal, the cook, they paint, play music, write, the options are many. So, that mixed up with some L-O-V-E I came up with this short but cute story, I only wish it could come true 💞


Rainbow Hands from Pixabay

That's it folk's, see you next time!

✨✨Blessings ✨✨


The Gif Banner was made by me using Canva.


you have creative hands Rebeca, you do so much with them, mine are described as soft smooth and powerful.
What an awesome story💙😁

Thank you Ed, it seems that your hands are more pretty than mine haha and qualify as my type of hands, nice! 💙

hehe well they are not as talented as yours though Rebeca💙

For me, hands are also very important and say a lot about a person.
I wish your story come true for you.🤗