Today I decided to join this weekend's topics. I chose the one about immortality because when we discuss life and death, one of the most debatable topics in society, we all sometimes come to have our opinion about this concept, and today I want to share with you my opinion and if I would choose to be immortal.

Would you choose to be immortal if you could? How would it affect your life and your relationships, considering that everyone around you would eventually die?
My answer is no. I would not choose to be immortal because death is something that is part of our world, and many of us have a different way of looking at it, either with fear, rest or hate. No person likes to witness this stage in our lives, and especially when it is a pet or close person, it is a strong pain, but it is something that is part of nature. My mother always told me that we are also products at a time when we have an expiration date. 😅 Is a strange phrase, but at the same time very true. Since I was a little girl, my family has taught me that this is life, and we cannot and should not change it. Besides, we already know what happens when you want to go against nature; the results are never good. Moreover, if I decided to be immortal, everything around me would change differently. I would not know if my loved ones would have the same motivation to be with me in many moments, because many times the things that drive us to do are things like knowing that life is only one, and we never know if we can have the opportunity.
The photo I chose was one of my birthdays because it seems like a good way to talk about it. Ever since I was a child, I loved to celebrate it, but not for the gifts or food, but for the company. Always, my family gets together to play and share with me, and if I were immortal, these meetings would no longer exist because they would be meaningless.

Thank you for reading my topic and opinion on this interesting subject. I wish you a nice day!🌸
I definitely agree with you
very nice