Week:233 my journey to acceptance.

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago

Hello beautiful hivers it’s weekend already, hope you guys will enjoy your weekend

were you popular in high school school or not? Explain either way.

During my high school years days I will say I was among the most popular students then. The reasons why I say I was popular in high school, was because I attended private school but the school reside in an Islamic area so most of the students in the school were Muslim. And since it was located around Muslim you will hardly find any other religion there. The school was the among the best schools in northern part, kaduna state to be precise. The school has always being my dream school even though the school was located within Muslim. I convinced my parents to register me in the school which they finally agreed to after so much convictions.

I was popular in my school because I was the only female Christian student in the school imagine schooling in an environment where everyone sees you as an outcast because my way of dressing was different from there’s and was even bullied by some of the Muslim student but as time goes on I was finally accepted by them and I was not longer bullied or neglected by them again and was seen as one of them. I was popular in higher school because of the way I interact with my classmates and teachers and most time I do represent my school in spelling bee, sport competitions. I was later seen as the pride of my school.

Thank you for stop by❤️🥰