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RE: With any luck.

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago

Fabulous then!!! You did pretty well then, considering.

How odd that your father knew the book well, yet treated his own children just as badly. Maybe he thought abuse turns out to have been good parenting? He read Dickens? Your parents were very much Dickensian characters. And you have some of those qualities too. You're much like Betsy Trotwood obsessively chasing donkeys off her property. Not that you chase donkeys, but she was an odd but very good person, much as I imagine you.

"Barkis is willin'." Your father was like Barkis, who was very stingy with his money and his words? Barkis married the very kind and loving Peggoty, nothing like your mother as far as I know.


My father was very well-read, the family was always in the secondhand book business, and he was fond of quoting from the classics. He was a generous man who'd give anyone your last penny:) And no, my mother was nothing like dear Peggoty.