Seek professional help if you witness an accident

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago
Merry Christmas my friends from @weekend-experiences, I would very much like you to allow me to discuss what I think I would do if I found myself in the difficult situation of being the first person to witness a car accident that caused injuries and trapped people.

The first thing I must say is that I would certainly try to help save those people and therefore the wisest thing to do is to call a trained personnel to assist people in that situation.

I have never been in such a situation, but I know of a friend who was in a tree and fell, and was picked up and taken to the hospital.

This act of solidarity did not have the expected effect, when they lifted him off the ground they did not handle him correctly and caused the injury he suffered to worsen, running the risk of not walking well.

On another occasion I witnessed a neighbor on the ground under a car he was fixing, we all thought that something from the car had fallen on him, luckily another neighbor who is a doctor prevented with a lot of work and protest that he was lifted.

I learned that the best assistance for people in these cases is to quickly look for people capable of helping them, because they are prepared to give that assistance.

Preserve the place and prevent curious people from approaching and causing greater problems, committing some imprudence, in the eagerness to see what happened or even wanting to help, people can obstruct the air circulation and even hinder access to paramedics, firefighters or other trained personnel.

I hope to read about what other people think and would do, I think we should all document ourselves, know about first aid to know what to do and what not to do.

I leave a message to everyone, let's try to be careful, comply with the traffic regulations to avoid accidents and see ourselves in situations like the ones @galenkp put us in.

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