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RE: [Week 132] Weekend-Engagement concept

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

Woahh, 20 years of wearing a suit? That's quite a number. I can also imagine that it real estate agency requires it. I think what we have in these days does not require people to leave their homes, let alone wear suits, to do real estate agency.

I just had a conversation with a fried a few days ago on how she has been doing real estate agency without actually meeting the customers. Or am I getting something twisted?

Oh, really? Now that I think about you and music, and am super curious to know about it. Did you play an instrument, did you sing (that'll be so cool), or where you just madly in love with a band? I guess I have to wait till this Sunday.


Woahh, 20 years of wearing a suit? That's quite a number.

Yeah, I'm ancient, so 20 years doesn't seem that long to me. 😁

I just had a conversation with a fried a few days ago on how she has been doing real estate agency without actually meeting the customers. Or am I getting something twisted?

Hmm, ok...that's not how I did it, but maybe it's different there.

Did you play an instrument

All will be revealed on Sunday.

20 years is a big chunk of my lifetime..😂

All will be revealed on Sunday.

Sunday it is!