In my opinion, consumerism is very legitimate, always based on personal satisfaction. If as a person I work and produce for a society, why can't I acquire any product or service I want to satisfy my personal well being?
I myself consider myself as a consumerist person that tries to try new products before other people, or that recurrently I like to buy in the market some product or enjoy a service that provides me with some kind of welfare.
Even with such a high level of inflation as in my country Venezuela, I make nervous purchases of basic necessities or some artifact that I do not need immediately, but that I will possibly use in the future.
For distraction and many times for convenience I assiduously go to shopping malls or what is also known as temples of consumerism. Generally, in those places there are offers, and there will always be something that qualifies as a necessary good.

The above sounds very capitalistic, but you have to live in a society like Venezuela's where you are told that consumerism is bad, but its rulers overflow with luxuries, and show off in very expensive restaurants.
These individuals tear their clothes for a socialism that they only express from the mouth out, because they do not profess it and before the eyes of an astonished Venezuelan people.
I once worked as a consumer credit manager, there was no inflation as high as the current one and I was able to finance many people with white goods, black and brown goods, and even medical services. Today, this does not exist, since financial institutions are afraid of people's insolvency in the face of low purchasing power thanks to ineffective monetary policies established by the state.
I am clear that there is irresponsible consumption by buying goods in an excessive manner without considering the negative effect this may have on the environment or people in general. It is irresponsible consumerism to buy a cell phone of a newer model, if the one we have today is still useful and functional, I also consider it irresponsible to spend a lot of money on junk food constantly.
I legitimize consumerism, as long as it is done in a rational and responsible way.
It would be very hypocritical to say that some of us have not seen pornography, it can be a fun way to fantasize and feel attractive, but it also has many therapeutic benefits as it helps to discover sexual interests.

It is a reflection of how many people imagine they should relate to their sexuality, being aware that it is not the ideal substitute for sex education, but it is a great resource for discovering different sexual practices.
There are many types of pornography, with different sexual identities, races, qualities and kinds of bodies. Porn shows that everyone can have desires and feel desired.
You have to be careful with the age at which you start watching pornography, the person may not be ready for its understanding, at this point it is very important the sexual education that has been given to children and adolescents.
We must be realistic, if pornography is consumed we cannot have sexual expectations that do not correspond to reality. We must be careful that our affective relationships are not based solely on sexual practices.
At one time I had an improvised VHS video club that allowed me to obtain additional income to my salary, I managed it during lunch hours, and suddenly my clientele began to ask me for pornographic films. Faced with such requests I made the investment in these and my surprise was that women were the ones who most rented this type of movies, the excuse was always the same; they rented them to watch them with their partner.
As long as there is consent between couples, and neither the woman nor the man is denigrated, I consider pornography legitimate within society.
We should not allow our honor, our image, our personal data, our written conversations by telephone or electronic means and the essence of our personal and even family privacy to be violated by third parties. Our home where we established our domicile is an inviolable place and whoever enters it must do so at our own discretion.

People should make decisions regarding our private life, without third parties interfering in such decisions. The right to privacy avoids illegitimate intrusions in our personal life. It encompasses everything that a person wants to keep out of the curiosity of others. Privacy is a value and a right of every human being.
Recently, I received a message on my WhatsApp where a coworker informs me that I change my phone number, in turn she greets me and asks me how my wife is, and that she needs me to deposit in a bank account, which she is providing me at that moment, the equivalent of 100US$ in the currency of my country, (bolivars), that the next day she will personally deposit the dollars in my bank account, so she asks me for my number.
Fortunately, this co-worker is only 10 meters away from where I am sitting. I go to her and it turns out that she had not changed her phone number, let alone was requesting the money. She immediately starts receiving text messages where many of her friends have received the same message as me. Her phone had been hacked.
This practice is very common nowadays, and has the name of phishing, in addition to scamming the perpetrator seeks to identify data such as account numbers, credit card numbers, login information, or install malware on our electronic devices. In addition, it is a way to violate our right to privacy.
Many times we ourselves are the ones who give the weapons to third parties to interfere in our privacy as they say over there we are masters of what we keep silent, and slaves of what we say.
The right to privacy is universal, inalienable and very legitimate.
This is my participation in the initiative Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 149 Link here proposed by @galenkp.
I wish you all a happy weekend.
Legit or not
Below are several things to choose from. Tell us in a post of at least 300 words if you think one (or multiple) are legitimate (legit) or not. Explain your thoughts and use supporting stories if you like. Use photos you took yourself rather than stock photos if possible.
Capital punishment
Sex before marriage
Human entitlement
Privacy rights
The pornography industry
The photograph is my property, and was taken with my Iphone4 cell phone.