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RE: Solar Update 30 days later

in Weekend Experiences7 months ago

Hello, first of all I wish you good health. I am always struck by the subject of solar panels. I have read that, in addition to satisfying individual needs, they also contribute surplus load to the general grid, which seems to me to be a very good thing. I have no experience in this, I have only read Galenkp and got acquainted with these issues. However, as I was reading him I thought I would ask if there is a way to protect them when a storm is coming. Will they have some kind of screen to protect them from flying things and so on? I'm sorry if my question seems silly, it's just that it really catches my attention.



No screen, but they really are built quite sturdy, similar to bulletproof glass, and storm rated, and I think 20 year warranty. They actually protect the roof itself from being damaged. While I'm sure strong Hurricane force could still drive something through like it could the side of the house, the angle of them also helps glance it away.

I always learn something new. I thought they were so fragile. 😅

Best regards! Thank you for your time.