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RE: Three ideas to save money in the context of my country.A world away from the world.Week 208.

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago

Speech 1

Possessions that accumulate without control and without coherence end up enslaving us. And the house becomes an enslaving object in this country. I have not finished mine and have been building it from the ground up since 2009-2010... I know what I am talking about. What I have been able to do is crying out for repairs and I don't know how I will manage to finish it, maybe I will never finish it. It takes a brilliant mind to get through all the daily challenges here.

(Why should I have to worry about how to buy 30 eggs worth half my monthly salary? This is illogical, something so crazy that you tell it and no one can understand it).

Save? how? 😳

Speech 2

Poverty is a state of mind. They say it is even unhealthy.
We create our reality first in our mind. Fill yourself with thoughts of abundance and prosperity and that is what you will manifest around you. Fill yourself with thoughts of love and you will attract that too.

Still... it is better to be a minimalist (and beware that minimalism is not depriving yourself of things). Take care of that temple that is the body. Buy only one pair of shoes, but make them good, durable and beautiful, with them you will walk through life. They can't be just any pair of shoes. Eat healthy... this harvesting thing is a powerful and great idea. Stick to the natural, enjoy a lot of time in nature, try to live with what you need, without so much waste. That's smart, my friend. But... remember what I just told you about mentality.

The Universe is mental. What you think about manifests. And now you are living the result of your past thoughts. What are you waiting for to be selective with them and put in your mind what you want for the future?

Forgive me for the long comment... but... which speech do you like best?
