WEEK 235 | Great lessons are learned in times of adversity.

in Weekend Experiences3 months ago

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Hello friends of the Weekend-experiences community, I hope you are well today. Today I was interested to see some posts where they responded to the questions that @galenkp proposes about life in general and the one that caught my attention was how I react in times of adversity, tension or that generate me some kind of anguish. I can honestly say that I am a person who overthinks things a lot and this in many ways can make me feel bad because it is not only the situation I am going through that can be stressful or difficult but my way or perspective of seeing things, although I no longer react in the same way as before.

How do you prepare for adversity, trouble and situations that may have a negative impact on you and your life?

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I lived two separate stories in my life that caused me great fear and conflict, one of them was the deterioration of my physical and mental health in specific I had one of my legs in very bad condition as I have hyperlaxity, When I had sprains that started at a very young age I felt very shocked and I did not even cry it was as if everything was paralyzed for a moment and only my leg was left with the knee out of place due to the hyperlaxity that made that with any movement even when walking it would come out of its place, for those who have experienced a sprain should know that it is a very strong pain that is felt but not only that it also causes great stress and recovery is very slow. In the end I had to have surgery and although I am better and no longer have sprains I feel that if I had had a good doctor who had operated me before maybe things would have been different.

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Another situation that I lived in a time of crisis in my country Venezuela was to see my grandmother getting sick, little by little without realizing it, her health was declining, she no longer did the things she liked, it was hard for her to sleep and she did not talk much. We thought that since she was a person with diabetes it must be a lack of medication due to the disease or food, in those times there was a shortage of food and those that were resold were extremely expensive, the salary was not enough for much and we had to eat many times twice or once a day and I find it incredible that a country with so much wealth as ours went through such a big crisis that led millions of people to emigrate. Thank God my grandmother did not feel physical pain for what we could see daily but she looked very sad and depressed, she completely lost the joy and integrity that characterized her until one day she got sick and died in the hospital, I remember seeing my brothers so sad and I know that even her death hurts them as it does me, but I know that wherever she is my grandmother is no longer suffering and she must be in a very beautiful place because she was a great human being with a noble heart.

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Both experiences brought me moments of anguish, anger, stress and anxiety, my health also declined and my body ended up taking its toll of so many moments of difficulties, although today I am better I must say that I do not know where I got enough strength to move forward in those moments, I do not know how I could continue despite feeling empty and alone although I was not, I felt very depressed and those moments taught me that I had more strength than I thought, I found things that I did not know I could do and that I ended up liking, I fought with my own mind and the worst enemy of this which is guilt, I know that within my own tools and possibilities I did the best I could both with that health condition that is hyperlaxity, which accompanied me for many years and now after many tears I can see that everything happened for a reason and had to happen that way even though at the time I did not understand it.

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The loss of my grandmother was very sad and it was the closest death I have had in my life especially because she was a second mother to us and not having her presence today still feels strange, I know that wherever she is she must feel happy to see me much better in both mood and health and proud that I am achieving goals that before I did not think were achievable. My grandmother was a fighter from birth and my mother too, both taught me that in difficult times we must give the best we have and if we can not do more let life take care of the rest, I feel fortunate to be part of their lives and to have learned so much from them, especially to keep walking even if the legs are tired and the feet want to stop.


Thanks for making it to the end of this post, I hope you liked it and I appreciate your support and your comments, I send you a big hug 🤗


All the text in this publication is my own.

The images were edited with the free version of Canva and PicsArt.



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